Into the Octo-verse

Get the inside scoop on energy, technology, and all things Octopus.

Join our Saving Sessions Pub Quiz

Play our unplugged virtual Pub Quiz In tonight's Saving Session, February 29th 6pm. Epic prizes up for grabs: Arsenal FC tickets, 800,000 Octopoints, Deliveroo vouchers, Odeon tickets, and more.

Earn rewards through our Octoplus scheme

Introducing Octoplus, our brand new rewards programme for smart meter customers. Here, customers get rewarded for making the grid greener.

Why customers love our thermal cameras

In a typical British home up to one third of the heat produced by central heating systems is lost through the roof, walls, floor and windows.

We wanted to help – so for the past few years, we’ve loaned out high-tech thermal heat cameras to vulnerable and low-income customers. So far, 8000 of our customers have borrowed one of our cameras. We wanted to let you know how it’s gone.

Making energy prices fair

Energy companies have historically been some of the UK’s least trusted businesses. In 2016, we were founded to change that with genuinely fair prices.

Find out how we’ve been fighting for fair prices over the last eight years. Not just for our own customers, but for every single household in the UK.

Our Shape Shifters trial results: 100% of businesses saved money on their energy bills

100% of businesses customers saved money on our Shape Shifters trial. It's a smart time-of-use tariff that gives you 21 hours of cheaper electricity every day. Check out the exciting impact.

What’s new at Octopus Energy Generation?

As we head into the new year, we reckon it’s high time we caught up with some exciting developments that have been going on in the wonderful world of Octopus Energy Generation.

How smart meters are upgrading energy for all

Smart meters don’t just make your energy billing easier and more accurate, as a fundamental building block for a green energy revolution they're easily worthwhile.

Energy prices from January, and what they mean for you

Information on discounted prices from January 2024 including a breakdown of rates and charges for every region on Flexible Octopus.

How Alan unlocked huge savings with his Octopus EV

A year ago, our lovely customer Alan got his Tesla Model Y through our salary sacrifice scheme – along with his charger, smart tariff and Electroverse public charging through Octopus, too. Alan and I sat down to talk about how it's EV being green...

Andy's journey to a cleaner planet with his Octopus EV

This week, I sat down with Andy, one of our environmentally-conscious customers. Just like our wonderful customer Alan, Andy has been making strides toward a more sustainable lifestyle by getting an Octopus Electric Vehicle and joining our Intelligent Octopus Go tariff.

We chatted about his experience with Octopus Energy, his transition to electric vehicle ownership through our salary sacrifice scheme, and the biggest changes he's observed in his eco-friendly journey.

Powered by Octopus: Hope Chapel is Shifting Shapes for their community

We wanted to find out more about our customers’ experiences of the new Shape Shifters tariff. So, we spoke to Bristol’s nobly named Hope Chapel for a chat about how they’re finding life with their new setup.

More Power to... Solpowered

Here, at the Octopus Energy Equality Foundation we’re so excited to announce our £18,938 donation to Solpowered - a brilliant project dedicated to helping marginalised communities build healthy and sustainable lives.

It works alongside local Zimbabwe charity FACE, supporting low-income communities and healthcare facilities to access green energy.

Businesses can now join our No Standing Charge Tariff

We’ve released a new tariff with no standing charge. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada!

That means no fixed daily payment amount.

Instead, you only pay according to what you use.

We think it’s simple, innovative and what many businesses say works for them.

Help when you're struggling to pay

Need help with your energy bills? Here are all the steps you can take. How to access support from Octopus and other organisations, how to change your payments, find the cheapest tariffs available, reduce your energy consumption and more.

How we're working together to build a fairer, more diverse energy industry

It matters that our industry represents the world we live in. That’s why it’s our mission to make our workplace and world a more diverse and equal place. Here's how.

Case Study: how locational pricing could save businesses (and everyone) on bills

Assessing the impact that large demand users siting in response to locational prices - moving from South to North - could have on their bills, all GB consumer bills, carbon emissions and the need for new network infrastructure.

Driving a clean heating system: turning an imperative into an upgrade

Today, the dominant form of heating in the UK is gas boilers. We are very aware of this, so much so that we’re currently one of the nation’s biggest suppliers of natural gas. And as a company who loves our customers we do the best possible job for them.

Winter is one of the best times to invest in solar. Here’s why…

4 reasons why there's no time like the present to get solar PV and battery installed at home.

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
