How our meter engineers are lending a hand to essential services

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On any given day, the Octopus Energy Services team are busy installing smart meters and solving other engineering conundrums. Our engineers are ‘people people’, and are used to spending a lot of time face-to-face with customers - putting people at the heart of what they do. Since the Coronavirus outbreak began, they haven’t been able to work as normal, so this crack squad are giving their time to support essential services to help those who need an extra hand.

Following the government's social distancing guidance, Octopus Energy Services made the decision to stop all business-as-usual engineering appointments and only carry out emergency work (you can read more about the special training and equipment put in place for these jobs here.)

This left some engineers with a lot more time on their hands – and they soon realised that their excellent health and safety training and snazzy Octopus vans meant they were in a perfect position to help.

A picture of our engineer Jez in a hazmat suit with a toy octopus

Our metering engineer Jez in protective coveralls and mask

The fab OES team, led by Head of Customer Experience (and now temporary 'Minister of Fun') Gareth, got to work contacting essential local businesses who might need help during the outbreak. Our engineers are now out in the field supporting food banks, grocers, bakers, and pharmacies throughout Brighton, Portsmouth, Southampton, South London, and Kent.

From smart meters to pharmaceuticals

So far, we’ve had some wonderful responses from pharmacies who have been struggling to deliver medication to people who can’t pick it up. As of Monday, engineers Pete, Ian, Dom, Max, and Connor have been delivering pharmaceuticals from Drayton Pharmacy in Portsmouth, Avie and Matt W have been sharing Kamsons Pharmacy in Penge, while Ricky and Warren have been helping out Brighton’s Pharm@sea!
As Dom R explains: "It was really nice to be able to get out and support the local community in the current climate by delivering vital pharmaceuticals to those who need it most. To work for a company who actively encourage and support us in doing this is amazing and shows Octopus really does care about helping people."

Our octo-engineers are also supporting local foodbanks

OES have also been taking food parcels directly to the houses of people who usually rely on foodbanks, with Avie, Ben and Luke working alongside Farnham Foodbank, while Matt W's been helping out Readifood and Foodshare.

'I’m really enjoying volunteering, helping where I can. It’s great that I’ve found charities, and Octopus have found causes that need some extra man power in these testing times. And it’s brilliant seeing everyone getting involved, pulling together and also enjoying it! I’d love to see the charity and community work continue in the future after all this blows over, maybe a day a year for all employees.”

Matt W
A octo-van full of food
two octo-engineers delivering food

Luke and Ben at Farnham Foodbank

Do you know a business in the South who could use some help?

OES have the capacity to do even more! The number of active octo-engineers is only set to increase, with dozens more available to help as of this week. So if you know any pharmacies, food banks, or other essential businesses in South East England that need a hand with deliveries, we’d love them to get in touch via

Published on 9th April 2020 by:

image of Jackson Howarth

Jackson Howarth

Senior Writer

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
