Meet our team in London
Our energy specialists provide end-to-end customer support from Leicester, Brighton, London and beyond. All our staff are part of little mini-teams of <10, with each team responsible for a few thousand customers.
This way, our customers always have a great experience, and often end up talking to the same few specialists every time they need our help!
Meet Team A and Team B, our people in Soho, and Octopus' oldest teams.
Meet Team A...
Team A is otherwise known as the Arabian Knights. Why? Trade secrets (we don’t know) but it’s a tradition that dates back through the annals of Octopus history, now lost in the mists of time, when there be dragons. (Oh, all right, back in 2017.)
Need help with your meter readings? Here we come in that shining armour, on our noble steeds. Worried about an account debit? We’re just a gallant horse ride away (or a phone call, if you prefer). Trapped in a tower with a fire-breathing dragon? Assuming the fire is coming from fossil fuels, we’re all over that.

So, what super-important and highly relevant facts do you need to know about Team A? We’re pretty sure we’ve thought of everything…
Q: If we had a Team A pet, what would it be?
A: A llama called Larry who is crazy about peanuts.
Q: If we all lived together in a Team A house, what would it be like?
A: In a farm, obviously, for Larry to roam free; it can only be accessed through a maze made of corn, and there is a slide on the outside leading to a geothermally heated pool.
Q: If we had robots to do our bidding, what would we program them to do first?
A: Bring us doughnuts and Maltesers to our desks, so we can enjoy treats without leaving the phones, that’s how dedicated we are.
Q: If Joe Grainger (our team leader) was prime minister, what would he introduce?
A: Cycle paths – EVERYWHERE – and a mandatory four-day working week with one day just for yoga.
One piece of advice: A friendly approach goes a long way. We’re excited to help all our customers, so understanding that the person on the phone is on your side will help your problem be resolved as efficiently as possible.
Bet you didn’t know: In 2017, a solar farm in Datong, China was built in the shape of a panda. It is expected to produce 3.2 billion kilowatt-hours of solar energy in 25 years – the equivalent of supplying 41,290 medium UK homes every year.
Our strapline: Team A – the only place where octopuses ride horses!
Bow Down to Team B

We've got a strong family vibe in the team... there's a powerful ethic of helping each other
What we're about
We've got a strong family vibe in the team. People say about each other, ooh, she's like my older sister or brother. That energy means a couple of things. We have no fear of challenging actions (in a good way), and there is a powerful ethic of helping each other.
Why we're the best team
The clue's in the name. We say, B for Best. We're the best because we're also the BIGGEST team in all of Octopus, combining our individual strengths to create a super knowledge base. If someone isn't as knowledgeable in one area, there is always someone else to turn to.
We genuinely are friends outside of work. We recently did an escape room event, and we all went bowling. We’re trying to plan a weekend away together, and we’re soon going out for karaoke. Buy your ear plugs while you still can. There’s likely to be a run on them in the Soho area.
One piece of advice
Meter readings! If you don't have smart meters, then submit them. It's the only way to track what you're using, and we think it’s the most important part of managing your consumption.
Bet you didn’t know...
A Jaffa cake is actually a cake, not a biscuit. Cakes go hard when stale, biscuits go soft. You’re welcome.*
Published on 8th December 2022 by:
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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