Intelligent Octopus Go & Ohme: your questions answered

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Intelligent Octopus Go is our smartest EV tariff, with six hours of EV charging every night at a super low rate.

You'll get cheap electricity between 11.30pm and 5.30am, as well as super cheap electricity for any Smart Charging.

Our latest integration with Ohme enables Octopus to provide Smart Charging directly through any Ohme charger; a greener solution that keeps money in your pocket.

Intelligent Octopus Go x Ohme

We're still in the early stages of this project so there's a few important things to note upfront.

  • You'll need to use the Ohme app to control your charging; after you've signed up we'll disable the Intelligent Octopus Go app.
  • The Ohmes app's price cap feature should be switched off, as all smart charging will be billed at the off-peak rate.
  • While you can have multiple charging schedules in the Ohme app, we suggest only having one active schedule; Intelligent Octopus Go will do the hard work in the background.
  • You need to set an active schedule in the Ohme app for the time you want your EV charged by, ideally between 4am - 11am. If you don't do this, the Ohme charger will default to 'dumb' charging and you'll be paying a higher rate to charge your EV.
  • To override smart charging, you'll need to go into the active schedule in your Ohme app and toggle max charging to ON. This will probably cost you more, but get your car charged sooner.

Onboarding FAQs

What do I need to switch to Intelligent Octopus Go?


You'll need to:

  • Be an Octopus energy customer
  • Have a SMETS2 smart meter
  • Have an Ohme charger

When will I switch to the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff?


Your tariff switch will be completed once you have connected your Ohme to Intelligent Octopus Go within the Octopus Energy app, and complete a Test Charge.

Follow this guide to switch.

Please get in touch via if you have any problems.

How do I disconnect my Ohme charger from Intelligent Octopus Go?


Your can disconnect your Ohme charger from Intelligent Octopus Go using the IO app:

  1. Click the profile button in the top left corner of the Octopus app’s homepage
  2. Select ‘Intelligent Octopus Go’
  3. Scroll down and tap ‘Disconnect Charger’ and confirm
  4. This will disconnect your Ohme device from Intelligent Octopus Go

You will then be able to add a device again right away.

Charging FAQs

How do I connect my Ohme charger to Intelligent Octopus Go?


Sign up to Intelligent Octopus Go via the Octopus app.

Once the signup is complete, connect your Ohme charger following this guide.

I have multiple active schedules in the Ohme app, is this a problem?


If you have multiple schedules this shouldn't cause any major issues. However, for now we suggest having just one active schedule, and let Intelligent Octopus Go do the work in the background.

How do my Ohme app settings impact Intelligent Octopus Go Smart Charging?


Any settings are passed through to us, so there shouldn't be any major conflicts.

How should I set the Ohme app up for charging with Intelligent Octopus Go?


As Intelligent Octopus Go only has two rates - peak / off-peak - we suggest that the Ohme app's price cap feature should be switched off, as all smart charging will be billed at the off-peak rate.

Do my Ohme preferences (e.g. ‘Favour Green Energy’, ‘Optimise Battery Life’, ‘Save Money’) impact Intelligent Octopus smart charging?


Intelligent Octopus Go creates charging plans that are already green, and so it will give you a cheap rate for all Smart Charging.

The charging plan created by Intelligent Octopus Go will create a charging plan independently of any Ohme app preferences.

How do I override my charging schedule?


Just set your charging schedule to MAX for whatever schedule is currently active.

Billing & Payment FAQs

How accurate is the cost of charge in the Ohme app?


In this phase of the integration, the cost of charge will not be accurate for Intelligent Octopus Go customers.

To see how much you’ve spent, please see your latest Octopus Energy bill.

Improving the accuracy of the cost of charge is a priority as this partnership with Ohme continues.

How am I billed for Intelligent Octopus Go?


All charging billing will be handled by Octopus Energy, just like how you’re currently billed for your home charging.

Published on 5th July 2022 by:

image of Phil Steele

Phil Steele

Future Technologies Evangelist

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
