The best of Saving Sessions on Twitter
Octopus Energy Saving Sessions
We've just launched the largest, most exciting flexible energy project ever, where you earn OctoPoints and rewards for switching your energy use away from peak times throughout winter.
The first Saving Session is officially over 🎉 and of course, we wanted to share our #SavingSession favourites.
Family Fun
Is it just me but doing this is actually quite peaceful!
— Jamie B #GTTO👨👩👧🤟✊🐟🥑✝️ #Vegan (@diesel_dog57) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
Loving being one of 288k people taking part in #SavingSessions for an hour. Small gains add up. @OctopusEnergy
— Jane Light (@JaneLight99) November 15, 2022
How low can you go? #SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
— James Stevens (@Jeeves2001) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions @OctopusEnergy everything non essential off.
— Sadie (@ThatSadieBug) November 15, 2022
Everything in the house is off and I'm having an hour long bath. So good to have enforced relaxation. Loving it.
— Jennifer Marklew (@labourjen) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
#SavingSessions Wife and I and the dog Lily sitting in campervan on the driveway. Mad?@OctopusEnergy
— Mark (@megjosh) November 15, 2022
When @TitiDumitrescu gets fully in on @OctopusEnergy #SavingSessions 🙈 Not quite sure Raf agrees….
— Jenny Dumitrescu (@JennyDumitrescu) November 15, 2022
Giving #SavingSessions a go with @OctopusEnergy the house is so quiet and peaceful! Interested to see what impact this has on our energy use, would also be interesting to know the collective impact of everyone participating. #energysaving
— Alison Ramsdale (@AliRamsdale) November 15, 2022
Pets Corner
Save energy - get a cat. One way to help keep warm! Ok the price of tuna has skyrocketed but probably still a decent deal… @OctopusEnergy #SavingSessions
— straymooseseses (@straymoose101) November 15, 2022
My cat has come to find the only light on in the house during @OctopusEnergy #SavingSessions - she's called Luna so you'd think she'd be used to the dark. The house is so peaceful. 20mins to go. Would love to have a price flexing tariff that mirrored my utility's cost of units.
— Myles McCarthy (@McCarthyMyles) November 15, 2022
@OctopusEnergy #SavingSessions we took my dog clover for walkies
— Ian Fitzgibbon (@IanFitzgibbon) November 15, 2022
Who got involved with @OctopusEnergy #SavingSessions tonight? My cat Henry was not a fan of head torches, and I swear the neighbours thought we were getting burgled :grimacing: now to make dinner...
— Dr Rachel Marsden (she/her) (@rachmarsden) November 15, 2022
Some of you even switched off all the lights and lit candles!
1 Dad. 3 Kids and enough candles for The Vatican.
— Red Silence (@TheeRedSilence) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
Omg ... The peacefulness of an hour with no electricity... Soft candle light, the kids reading... Can't wait for the next one 🐙
— Glenn Hirst (@GlennHirst) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
Thank God for the pre-heated throw. Promptly fell asleep for the whole hour. #SavingSessions
— Catherine Bowles (@MsSewingKitty) November 15, 2022
Loving the 1st of the @OctopusEnergy #SavingSessions. Would gladly do this for an hour a week. Makes a nice change to our routine and feels pretty cozy too. @SavingSessions
— Cate Humphrey (@catebiggs91) November 15, 2022
It’s more exciting to be sat in the dark than we thought!
— Doctors Mortgages (@DoctorsMortgag1) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
Making the most of the candlelight 😂 Toasting marshmallows whilst saving the earth 🌍
— Hayley Ohms (@CallTheVA) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
@OctopusEnergy trying the #SavingSessions great campaign guys
— Kerry Willecome (@kerrypanda) November 15, 2022
Put a fire on
— rob porter (@robbieporter33) November 15, 2022
#SavingSessions via @OctopusEnergy
Thanks again for your support ⚡
Huge congrats to everyone who got involved (we genuinely took over the Twittersphere...). You absolutely smashed it and we loved seeing all your creative ways to chill out and relax during this Session.

We were blown away by the response and it was lovely to chat with you all across social before, during and after the Session. Can't wait for the next one.
Why are Octopus running Saving Sessions?
With energy prices sky high, it's never been more important to help people save power and money. But Saving Sessions isn't just a way of easing the impact of the energy crisis on your bills - it's the start of a new era of energy: one where people genuinely benefit by actively participating in making energy smarter, greener and cheaper.
Currently, the UK often has to fire up extra dirty coal and gas stations to satisfy everyone's energy needs at the busiest times of day.
Rather than paying these (very expensive) fossil fuel generators to turn on, when demand is high, we want to reward people for switching off or delaying the energy they don't need. Not only will this cut carbon emissions - it helps balance the energy system, and allows us to make the most of green energy when the sun's shining and the wind's blowing.
What are the rewards?
You'll earn rewards for every unit of electricity (in kilowatt hours) you don't use compared to normal. There'll be at least 12 Saving Sessions this winter (but likely many more), and they'll be between one and four hours long.
It's hard to say exactly how much you could earn overall, because it all depends on a lot of factors we can't totally predict: from how many Sessions there'll be to how long each one is to how much National Grid will pay in each Session.
Plus, there are individual factors, like how many you choose to get involved in, and how much power you're able to save in each one.
A lot of the unknowns exist because this project is designed to help balance the energy grid, and we don't know exactly how much help it'll need this winter - as that depends on stuff like the weather, energy demand and supply issues (for example, particular generators not running.)
If you managed to take part in all 12 Sessions and you saved 1 kilowatt hour on average per Session, we'd expect your OctoPoint rewards to be worth around £36. However, it's really likely there'll be many more than 12 Sessions. Based on previous years, we're expecting around 1 or 2 Sessions per week, so around 25 in total - if that happened, with a slightly higher average incentive, you could end up earning OctoPoint rewards worth around £100.
What are OctoPoints?
OctoPoints are our way of rewarding Octopus Energy customers. You'll be able to keep track of how many you have in your online account, and they can be redeemed for all sorts of different rewards - prizes, donations to our Octo Assist fund for customers in need, or credit on your Octopus account (in GBP).
We'll give you more info about OctoPoints once Saving Sessions kicks off.
Saving Sessions is entirely free to get involved, your tariff and energy payments won't change, and you can opt out any time.
Can I get a smart meter?
Just request one on our website and we'll email you when we have appointments free.
Saving Sessions sign-ups will be open throughout Winter, so once your smart meter has been installed and we have received a couple of weeks of data, you’ll be able to take part.
We're installing around 40,000 smart meters a month, and can generally install one for you within a few weeks. But it depends on engineer availability, and a few other factors, so we can't absolutely guarantee when it'll happen.
Smart meters work great in most homes, but there are some areas where signal doesn't reach just yet, and some types of homes where smart meters can have trouble connecting.
Published on 21st January 2025 by:
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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