Farewell, Saving Sessions - until next winter!


As the sun starts shining brighter and the days grow longer, it's time to bid a temporary farewell to our beloved Saving Sessions. Yep, our wintertime energy-saving extravaganza/something is heading into summer hibernation, and we couldn't be prouder of what you’ve achieved.

This past winter, over a million of you joined forces to dial down your energy use during peak times, making a massive impact on both your wallets and the planet.

The last session was on the 14th of March. Log in to check your results and Octopoints balance.

Let's break it down

Collectively, you saved a jaw-dropping 2 gigawatts of power, stopping a whopping 437,000 kg of CO2 from entering our atmosphere

That is the same impact as:

  • Switching off one or two gas-fired power stations during each session.
  • Powering 700 homes for a year.
  • Powering Rio De Janeiro for an hour.
  • Watching the entirety of Friends 300,000 times.
  • Planting 216,000 trees.

Which areas did best?

Areas that saved the most power overall: Birmingham Nottingham Sheffield Bristol Newcastle Upon Tyne
Most popular areas for Saving Sessions: Stevenage St Albans Milton Keynes Reading Cambridge
Areas that cut down the biggest percentage each time: Shrewsbury Kirkwall Truro Dumfries and Galloway Exeter

With 1,6 million sign-ups, some superstars saved enough to get free electricity for days and earned themselves hundreds of thousands of Octopoints. Those reward points can earn you free drinks, cinema tickets, restaurant discounts, or be credited to your account at any time. They can also be redeemed on our app for super fun merch.

Community Spirit

We saw incredible generosity too. Last winter, 24,000 of you donated your rewards to help those in need: our Octopus Assist fund, which provides bill support, electric blankets and standing charge holidays to customers in need.

Many customers asked to donate again this year: so far, 33,000 of you have – that's £187,000 – so we're contributing ourselves to round it to £200,000.

If you'd like to donate, fill in the quick form above – we'll deduct whatever percentage you choose of your Octopoints balance sometime within the next few weeks.

This year, you can choose if you'd like to contribute to Octo Assist, or to A Little Change: our bill roundup feature, which gives to National Energy Action, Citizens Advice and Renewable World.

What’s Next?

Keep an eye out for our Free Electricity sessions this summer. With the sun shining and the wind blowing, it’s the perfect time to make the most of the natural energy our world has to offer, without spending a penny.

Thank you for being part of something extraordinary. You've shown that small actions can make a big difference, and we can't wait to see what we achieve together next winter. Until then, enjoy the sunshine and keep saving!

See you soon, and stay tuned for more coal-busting fun.

We loved seeing so many of you across the country switching off and getting together with loved ones to enjoy some unplugged chill time in Saving Sessions.

We've included just a few of our favourite social media shoutouts but there are literally hundreds more – search #SavingSessions on Twitter or Instagram to find them (and give us a follow while you're there)!

Published on 21st May 2024 by:

image of Samsam Farah

Samsam Farah


Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
