What happens during your switch

What happens during your switch

What actually happens when you switch energy suppliers?  

For you, it should be fast, simple, and convenient. For us… well, we like doing the complex stuff so you don’t have to.

The first step is joining up. For you and us, this is the simple part – we've designed it to be as fast and simple as possible, taking just a couple of minutes.  

We'll ask for some basic details, such as your name, address, Direct Debit info, and a preferred start date, then we can begin moving you from your existing provider. 

You then enter the 14 day cooling off period. If you change your mind during this time, we can cancel the switch before it happens.

After choosing to move, your old supplier can object (if there were outstanding payments, for example). We'll investigate why they've objected, and if necessary, get in touch with you. We then have a timeframe to respond and get the move going again. This is one reason why switches might be delayed, but we won't give up until you're on supply with us.

Five days before your start date we'll ask for an opening meter reading. We'll share this with your old supplier who'll use it to calculate your final bill.   

Your opening meter reading is super important, so we do a bit of extra work to ensure it looks right. That’s why there is sometimes a delay between you giving us the reading and your old supplier agreeing it. During this time, you might need to continue paying a Direct Debit to your old supplier, but any overpayments are returned as part of your final bill.  

Some of the things we check your opening meter reading for are:

  • Is it in the right format?
  • Does it match the registered address?
  • Is it consistent with your past usage?

If we think something is wrong, we will get in touch to fix it. For example, if we have trouble matching your meter to your address, we might ask you to send us a picture so we can trace it.  

Once the meter reading is agreed, your old supplier will create your final bill and you can say goodbye to them for good.

You’ll make a payment to us on your chosen start date, and again on your chosen Direct Debit day. You might find these dates are quite close together, but we'll never take them within 10 days of each other. 

And that’s it!  

As ever, if you have any questions about us, your account, energy, or just fancy a chat, drop us a line at hello@octopus.energy.

Get a quote and switch now:

Published on 2nd August 2016 by:

image of Chris Roper

Chris Roper


Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
