Shape Shifters: Agile is here! Say hello to our most dynamic business energy tariff 👋

Shape Shifters: Agile image

Exciting news! We've just expanded Shape Shifters - our smart, bill-slashing business tariff. We’ve added an agile version into the mix. Today, we’re taking a closer look at our 2 groovy Shape Shifters options 🪩

Shape Shifters: Agile
This is the new kid on the block. It's Britain's most dynamic energy tariff for businesses.

Agile prices differ every half-hour of every day, in line with changes in wholesale energy costs. By using power during cheaper periods, you can make huge savings. It’s just like Agile Octopus, but for businesses.

Shape Shifters: Trio
This is the original version of Shape Shifters. It gives you 21 hours of guaranteed cheaper energy prices, every single day. It’s already lowering the bills of hundreds of businesses.

You can sign up for either version now. Or read on for more info about how they work.

Shape Shifters saves your business money. Here's how:

Both versions of Shape Shifters reward you for using energy outside of peak usage periods. Your electricity is cheaper at times when demand on the grid is low. Which is most of the time. So, you can use power for less, nearly all day.

Loads of businesses are naturally off-peak energy users. In fact, when they move to Shape Shifters, nearly 3 in 4 customers start saving money right away. Without even changing their energy habits. So, Shape Shifters is a simple, speedy way to snag some serious savings.

Of course, if you do adjust when you’re using energy, those savings will be even higher. Just look at Box Bear, who are saving around £2,000 per year.

of Shape Shifters customers save money on their energy bills
The highest savings a Shape Shifters customer has made
The average savings a customer makes by switching to Shape Shifters

Now, you can choose from 2 versions of Shape Shifters

We’re offering more flexibility, more choice and more control over your energy prices.

The existing version of Shape Shifters is now called Shape Shifters: Trio. And it has a new dance partner to bust moves with - Shape Shifters: Agile.

Agile and Trio both give your business lower prices for most of every day. Both let you pay for your energy according to when you use it. Both reward you for using energy away from peak times.

But, there are a few key differences. So, let’s explore how the 2 versions work:

Shape Shifters: Trio

We’ll give you 21 hours of cheaper electricity. Every day. Guaranteed.
You'll get 3 set energy prices for different periods of the day:
🌙 The night rate is the cheapest time to use electricity. It runs from midnight to 7am 🌙

☀️ The day rate is cheaper than the standard rate. It runs 7am-4pm and 7pm-midnight ☀️

The peak rate runs 4-7pm. It's the highest rate, so you can save by using less here ⏰

The prices of Shape Shifters: Trio over the course of a day
In short, by using electricity outside of the 4-7pm peak, you’ll cut your energy costs.

Join Shape Shifters: Trio

Shape Shifters: Agile

Your prices will change every half-hour, in line with the wholesale cost of energy.

You can see your prices 24 hours in advance using our Agile Portal or Agile API. So, you can plan to use energy when costs are low - and make big savings.

A screenshot from the Shape Shifters: Agile portal
Like Trio, electricity costs are low most of the time, except 4-7pm. But, the exact ups and downs will change every day.

Unlike Trio, the price could sometimes plunge as low as £0 - or even into minus numbers! Which means we’d be paying you to use energy 🤩

For more info on how we calculate these Agile prices, check out our Agile pricing FAQ .

Join Shape Shifters: Agile

Which version of Shape Shifters is right for my business?

Whichever one you choose, you’ll be getting cheaper energy for most of each day. But, within that, the 2 options offer different ways of bringing down your bills.

Trio brings the certainty of 3 set prices per day
If it were at a disco, it’d be nailing down a classic groovy 2-step (or 3-step?) all night long.

You can set your energy habits around the 3 rates. Time the dishwasher to come on in the morning, turn your heating off at 4pm, charge your EV overnight - that kind of thing.

Agile, on the other hand, is a bit more dynamic
It reflects the varying cost of wholesale energy. Agile rates are often much lower than Trio rates. So, it brings higher potential for even lower bills.

There are some reliable patterns to Agile prices. For example, it’s cheaper to use energy away from the 4-7pm peak. But beyond that, prices will be different every day.

Here's a look at the benefits in a bit more detail:

The benefits of Trio

  • Guaranteed prices
    • Your day, night and peak rates will always be the same
  • Certainty with savings
    • Consistent rates mean you’ll always know when to use energy for less
  • No need to monitor your rates
    • Guaranteed time bands mean that you don’t need to check in on energy prices

The benefits of Agile

  • Prices vary each day
    • Your unit rates change every half-hour, in line with wholesale energy costs
  • Easy to track
  • Higher potential savings
    • Agile prices regularly fall lower than the cheapest Trio rate, so bigger savings are possible

How can I save more money with Shape Shifters?

Well, that depends on whether you’re already a Shape Shifters customer.

If you're already a Shape Shifters customer
Check out our tips on how to shift your usage. It’ll show you how to move more energy away from peak times and boost those savings.

You can also switch between Trio and Agile at any time. There's no exit fee or time limit. Just head to the Shape Shifters homepage.

If you’re not on Shape Shifters yet
Come and join the fun!

You just need to be an Octopus Energy for Business customer with a smart meter. If you're partway through a contract with us, don't worry. You can join Shape Shifters at any time with no exit fee.

Published on 3rd March 2025 by:

image of Pete McNally

Pete McNally

Content Manager at Octopus Energy For Business

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
