The Energy Price Cap: your questions answered

Every three months, the energy regulator Ofgem publishes a new ‘energy price cap’. This is a safeguard for customers that determines the maximum price energy suppliers can charge a customer on a variable tariff (if you're with Octopus, thats our Flexible tariff).
With the price cap set to rise in October, this guide helps answer the key questions our team has been answering. We’ll continue to update this blog as more information becomes available.
Please, please get in contact with us if you’re struggling with your bills. There are many ways we can help.
We set up the £6 million Octo Assist Fund in November 2021 as part of our campaign to help those worried about paying for their energy. If you're an Octopus customer, you can access our Financial Support form here – a quick and simple online tool which asks you a series of questions about your financial situation.
We can offer a number of support options based on circumstances and need. If you've still got unanswered questions, please visit our dedicated Energy Crisis Hub.
Frequently Asked Questions about the energy price cap:
Does the energy price cap affect me?
If you’re on a fixed tariff, the price cap doesn’t affect you. Your current rates and charges will be locked in to the end of your contract.
If you’re on a variable tariff, the price cap does affect you. A price cap rise will be announced a couple of months before the rise is due to take affect. From then on, suppliers will be able to use the Price Cap as a guide for their variable tariff prices.
The price cap specifically applies to variable tariffs because these aren’t fixed against the volatility in the energy markets. Different suppliers can refer to these tariffs in a number of ways; standard variable tariff (SVT), non-fixed, etc. At Octopus our variable energy tariff is called Flexible Octopus.
If you’d like to confirm which tariff you're on, and details like your current prices and contract dates, you can see them on your online account (scroll a little way down and look at the details below your property address).
You can read more about the energy price cap on Ofgem’s website here.
Why is my fixed tariff more expensive than the price cap?
The price cap only applies to 'variable' tariffs, not 'fixed' tariffs. (Every energy supplier must have a variable tariff - here at Octopus, we have our 'Flexible' tariff.)
If you sign up for a fixed tariff, we've got to procure the energy you're going to use ahead of time. If a fixed tariff is more expensive than the price cap, it's because that fixed tariff reflects the current price of wholesale energy.
It's important to note that if fixed prices remain higher than the price cap, then the price cap will likely rise next time time there is a review (every three months) to reflect those high wholesale prices too.
If you’d like to confirm which tariff you're on, and details like your current prices and contract dates, you can see them on your online account (scroll a little way down and look at the details below your property address).
I’m on a fixed tariff right now, what happens when it ends?
If you’re on a fixed tariff, the first thing to know is that the price cap doesn’t affect your current energy contract. Your rates are locked in and won’t change until your tariff end date.
We’ll always email you well in advance of your fixed tariff coming to an end. We’ll let you know our currently available tariffs and prices, and you can either choose to fix your prices again, or do nothing and go onto Flexible Octopus; the tariff protected by Ofgem’s price cap.
For advice on what to do when your tariff ends, visit this dedicated blog.
If you’d like to confirm your current prices and contract dates, you can see them on your online account (scroll a little way down and look at the details below your property address) or on any PDF energy statement. It’s usually on the second page, near the top of the breakdown for your electricity and / or gas charges for the period.
Should I go onto a fixed tariff? Or is it better to stay on a flexible tariff?
Everyone’s situation is so different that we can’t presume to know what’s best for you.
If you’re on a fixed tariff, the first thing to know is that the price cap doesn’t affect your current energy contract. Your rates are locked in and won’t change until your tariff end date.
We’ll always email you well in advance of your fixed tariff coming to an end. We’ll let you know our currently available tariffs and prices, and you can either choose to fix again, or do nothing and go onto our flexible product; the tariff protected by Ofgem’s price cap.
If you’re wondering what’s best, we suggest reading our in-depth guide to the current situation. It covers why prices are so high, the difference between tariffs, and what to do if you’re struggling to pay.
Why do high gas prices affect a 100% renewable energy tariff?
Though green energy is cheaper to generate, on the market it's sold at the same, higher price of gas and other fossil fuels. That's down to the way the market's set up. It's similar to how houses are sold based on the price of neighbouring homes, rather than what it cost to build. Read more about the latest in the energy market.
It's mainly set up this way because the grid always has to be balanced: the UK's energy needs (or 'demand') matched perfectly with an equal amount of power supply.
The grid calls on all different types of power, from gas to renewables, to help with its crucial balancing job. It wouldn't be entirely fair to pay some energy generators less for their power when they're fulfilling the same important function. This means that the highest price ends up setting the market price. When gas prices are high, all electricity prices are too.
We’re pushing for a system in which more and more of the electrons are green ones – because the more green power in the grid, the less we need to rely on expensive, dirty gas imports to meet our energy needs at all.
Published on 15th December 2022 by:
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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