Congrats, Hannah! July's Arsenal Prize Winner

Hannah Lenton got her hands on an Arsenal football signed by the first team squad, after being the lucky winner in our July Arsenal Green tariff prize draw.
We had a chat with Hannah about all things Arsenal and what attracted her to the Octopus Energy Arsenal Green tariff...
How long have you been an Arsenal fan?
Well, my boyfriend George bought me an Arsenal shirt with my name on for our first anniversary, and that was nearly three years ago. He’s a big Arsenal fan so I've been to watch matches with him. I really enjoy going but he’s been a fan for all his life.
How did you hear about the Octopus partnership?
My old boss is one of the biggest Arsenal fans I know. He actually went with Octopus Energy because you partnered with Arsenal. He told me to go with you when I moved into our flat – so I did!
What attracted you to sign up?
I liked that you offer renewable energy. It was between you and Bulb and you were slightly cheaper... and I liked the reviews you've had.
Were you originally looking to switch energy provider?
We were just moving into our flat – we were technically with Eon before because of the previous owners. I was with Npower and British Gas at uni, but I didn’t really want to be with the Big 6 because of all their price rises and large profits.
How often do you switch?
I usually look at switching after a year if my bill goes up enormously.
Were you looking for a green tariff?
Yeah – I don’t understand why in this day and age we are still relying on coal, and I think that we would be a lot further down the line with renewables if people made as much money from them as fossil fuels. There is plenty of technology and if more people invest in it then we can develop better and more efficient renewables.
How much did you save?
I think we will probably be saving around £15 a month.
Published on 8th December 2022 by:
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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