Report: Consumer flexibility - ready to replace coal
This paper analyses the results from Octopus Energy’s Saving Sessions campaign - part of ESO’s Demand Flexibility Service and the largest ever consumer flexibility campaign. Over 700,000 customers shifted over 1.86GWh of demand flexibility, proving that consumer flexibility is ready to deliver a low-carbon, cost-effective resource to the grid at gigawatt scale today. We look at key results, including customer response and participation levels, as well as recommendations for the future of the Demand Flexibility Service, due to launch in November 2023.
Key Takeaways:
- Consumer flexibility is ready to deliver a low-carbon, cost-effective resource to the grid at gigawatt scale.
- Customers can provide significant turn down volume at peak times, and sustain response throughout winter.
- Customers are willing to participate in demand flexibility offerings - all GB households with a smart meter must be invited to DFS so that we can replace coal contingency.
Consumer flexibility - ready to replace coal
DownloadPublished on 20th October 2023 by:
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