Octopus Power Pack: the UK’s first Vehicle-to-Grid tariff
Get free EV charging with our groundbreaking vehicle-to-grid (V2G) tariff
Add Octopus Power Pack to your regular tariff. We’ll set up your V2G charger to automatically manage your charging and discharging in the greenest way possible, so you can fill up for free.
A typical V2G driver could save £880 per year compared to Flexible Octopus, and £180 compared to Intelligent Octopus Go.
V2G technology has huge potential, but right now, only works with a very limited number of cars and chargers. We've released Power Pack in beta now to prove this is possible: but we need car manufacturers to catch up to unlock the power of V2G for more UK drivers.
How Octopus Power Pack works:

Automated charging, both ways
Octopus Power Pack schedules your V2G charging and exporting. Plug your car and tell us how much charge you need. We’ll automatically schedule your car to fill up when energy is greenest, and then export back to power your neighbourhood when the grid needs help.

Works alongside your existing tariff
Power Pack is an add-on tariff that sits alongside your usual import tariff. You’ll continue paying your great rate for your home energy use, but your EV charging will be free. It works with most tariffs, but not Tracker, Agile (import or export), or our Intelligent Octopus tariffs (more info here).

Get the same great rate for export
On top of your free miles from Octopus Power Pack, if you already export to the grid via home solar panels or batteries, you’ll get paid for that power at your usual rate (find out more).
To join, you’ll need:
- A compatible charger: a Wallbox Quasar 1 V2G charger
- A compatible EV car: (check our list of compatible vehicles)
- A smart electricity meter we can connect to
- Permission to export energy to your local distribution network (aka a G99 certificate): contact the DNO (distribution network operator) for your area if you need one.
- A schedule that fits: You'll need to be able to plug in for roughly 12 hours a day every couple of days, and charge less than 333kWh per month (equivalent to 1,084 miles of driving). We're not fussed if you occasionally miss these targets, but if it's a regular occurrence, you'll need to hop off Power Pack.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What conditions do I need to meet to be on the tariff?
You’ll need to have:
- A compatible charger: a Wallbox Quasar 1 V2G charger
- A compatible EV car: (check our list of compatible vehicles)
- A smart electricity meter we can connect to
- Permission to export energy to your local distribution network (aka a G99 certificate): contact the DNO (distribution network operator) for your area if you need one.
- A schedule that fits: You'll need to be able to plug in for roughly 12 hours a day every couple of days, and charge less than 333kWh per month (equivalent to 1,084 miles of driving). We're not fussed if you occasionally miss these targets, but if it's a regular occurrence, you'll need to hop off the Power Pack.
What import and export tariffs are compatible with Octopus Power Pack?
Most of our import and export tariffs are compatible with Octopus Power Pack. However, given the behind the scenes complexity, some of our smart tariffs won’t be. If you’re on Agile or Tracker for import, on Agile Outgoing for export, or on any of our Intelligent Octopus tariffs, you’ll need to switch tariffs first before joining Octopus Power Pack.
What cars are compatible?
Your vehicle must be CHAdeMO compatible and capable of discharging.
Power pack is currently compatible with:
Nissan Leaf
Nissan e-NV200
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
And we're working hard on more integrations!
What chargers are compatible?
Wallbox Quasar 1 (it's worth noting that the Wallbox Quasar 1 is no longer for sale in the UK, so you'd have to have it already installed).
And we're working hard on more integrations!
What import and export tariffs are compatible with Octopus Power Pack?
Most of our import and export tariffs are compatible with Octopus Power Pack. However, given the behind the scenes complexity, some of our smart tariffs won’t be. If you’re on Agile or Tracker for import, on Agile Outgoing for export, or on any of our Intelligent Octopus tariffs, you’ll need to switch tariffs first before joining Octopus Power Pack.
Is there a standing charge?
There’s no standing charge on Octopus Power Pack, as you already pay a standing charge on your standard home import tariff.
I already export with Octopus Energy. What will happen to my export?
You’ll continue to get paid for any kWh you generate with your solar panels or battery and export to the grid at your usual export rate.
How do I sign up?
Sign up here to join Octopus Power Pack. We’ll then get in touch with you to connect to your V2G charger.
How much could I save compared to Intelligent Octopus Go?
For a customer driving 10,000 miles annually (at an average rate of 0.306 kWh/mile) with typical home energy usage (4100 kWh/year with 13.98% off-peak), the combined cost on Flexible Octopus + Octopus Power Pack would amount to £1360/year. This represents a saving of £876/year compared to a standard variable tariff, or £172/year compared to Intelligent Octopus Go.
What will my bill look like?
You will receive a monthly bill as usual. It’ll include your entire electricity usage (including EV charging) charged at your home unit rate, and we will credit back the amount you paid for your EV charging, so that your EV charging is always free. We’ll calculate this based on the measurements from your EV charger.
If you have solar, we’ll also calculate how much you’ve exported from your solar panels and/or batteries, and credit this as usual, based on your export unit rates.
How will you make sure my EV is charged in case of emergency
Once you've signed up, you'll be able to set a minimum state-of-charge so that we’ll never go below this level (soon, you’ll be able to do this directly in our app). This level must be set at less than 30% so that we can still discharge from your vehicle to support the grid when it’s at its dirtiest.
I’m V2G ready, yet my car/charger is not in the list.
We’re working hard on adding more integrations. Register your interest here.
I’m not sure whether my EV is capable of discharging?
V2G is still an early stage technology and the vast majority of EVs are not capable of discharging back into your home. Currently, the only EVs which can join this tariff are listed here. If you have an EV which can’t discharge you can still join our Intelligent Octopus Go tariff.
How do I update my car charging preferences?
Once you sign up, we'll contact you with a form to update your car charging preferences. Soon, you’ll be able to do this directly in our app.
Do you install bidirectional V2G compatible chargers?
We're looking to bring in bidirectional charger installations as soon as we can.
Does energy discharged from my EV power my home first, or does it go straight from my EV to the grid?
From a technical perspective, power flowing out of the car will flow into the home to cover any other home consumption first, then any excess power will go to the grid - in that sense it works like a home battery. From the perspective of the tariff, however, the car charging will be separated from the rest of your home's consumption, and then guaranteed to be free, while you'll continue pay for your home's consumption as normal.
What is a G99 application?
A G99 is an application process for any integrated microgeneration and storage units that are a generation over 16A (3.68kW). It proves that the connection complies with Engineering Recommendation G99, published by the Electricity Networks Association. It can take anywhere from 10 up to 45 working days for an application to be processed and approved. Get in touch with your local distribution network operator (DNO) to apply. If you're having trouble working out who your DNO is, email us at hello@octopus.energy and we can help.
Can I still get my usual rate from exporting from my battery or solar panels?
Yes. We can differentiate between the energy exported back to the grid from your V2G charger and from other sources, such as solar panels and batteries. Though any energy exported from your EV will go towards your free miles as part of the Power Pack tariff, if you already export to the grid with solar, or a battery, you’ll get paid for all the power you export at your usual rate.
As you Join Power Pack, let us know what your preferred solar tariff is, and we'll calculate how much you've generated, how much you've earnt according to that export tariff's rate, and we'll add this to your account as credit.
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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