Max Power: Renewable energy that’s made for your business

Max Power makes commercial energy greener, cheaper and more transparent.

It powers your business using a team of selected renewable generators (which can include your own).

We’ll link you with solar and wind farms that suit your business’ demand. When you use the electricity they generate for you, you pay a lower price.

It's energy that's tailored to your business and puts you in control.

Get in touch to see how Max Power can work for you:

Speak to the Max Power team
Harness your homegrown energy

Harness your homegrown energy

If you generate your own electricity, we’ll make it go further.

You can share it between your properties and earn money on what’s left over.

Know where a portion of your power is produced

See where a portion of your power is produced

Our team of solar and wind farms will make renewable energy with your name on it.

We'll allocate a share of the power they generate specifically to your business.

So, you'll know where some of your electricity first sparked into life.

Shift some of your usage times to lower your bills

Save money by using your dedicated dashboard

Your bespoke online dashboard will show you a live forecast of your generators' energy output.

So, you can arrange to use more when they're giving out plenty of green goodness.

When you use that energy, you pay a lower price.


The level of guaranteed green energy for your business


The proportion of your energy your chosen sites could produce


The savings you could make on your energy bills

How does Max Power work?

We create the perfect setup for sourcing your energy. Be it from your own sites, our renewable generators or a combination.

Here’s how we get the green energy to your business’ door:

  1. If you generate electricity yourself, you’ll use that first
    If you have more than one site, you can send the energy from one to power another.

    We'll sell any excess electricity to the grid for you. You'll earn money on each unit of energy sold.

  2. Enjoy the cheap, green energy that our generators make for you
    We'll allocate a portion of their generation specifically to your business.

    For every half-hour period, your dashboard will tell you how much electricity they'll make - so you can shift some usage accordingly. When you use this green power, you’ll pay a lower price.

  3. If you need any more electricity, we’ll cover that too
    You’ll get the rest of your energy through our normal, great value, green import tariff.

Can I join Max Power?

Max Power is for businesses that:

    ✅    Have a half-hourly meter
    ✅    Have a total annual consumption that’s less than 10GWh
    ✅    Can be dynamic with when they use their energy

Speak to the Max Power team

Do I have to generate my own electricity to join Max Power?


No, you can join Max Power if you don't generate your own electricity.

We'll link you with green generators who'll produce renewable energy for you to use.

What will my energy prices be with Max Power?


Once you've told us you're interested in Max Power, we'll generate a bespoke quote for your business. We'll also talk to you about finding the ideal Max Power setup for you.

To make this happen, get in touch with the Max Power team.

I want to share energy between my sites. Do they need to be near each other?


No, they can be anywhere across Britain. As long as we can supply your import and sell your export, we can share energy between the sites.

Do I have to own my properties for them to be eligible for Max Power?


No, you don't have to own them. As long as you control the energy arrangements, you’re good to go.

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
