Size of Wales + Octopus Energy

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Size of Wales is a climate change charity based in Cardiff. It supports projects across the globe that help with tropical forest conservation and protection.

Go Green Day is Size of Wales' national day of action in response to the ever present climate change issues. This year Go Green Day will be taking place over a month from Friday 21st June until Sunday 21st July

Switch to Octopus Energy and we'll donate up to £54 to Size of Wales

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Size of Wales currently have 9 projects in action around the world, ranging from tree planting and forest conservation work to aiding indigenous forest-dwelling communities in securing land rights.

This year, Go Green Day is asking everyone in Wales to take the Go Green Day pledge - to calculate their carbon emissions and pledge to make meaningful changes to reduce them.

Support from last year....

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As seen in

The Telegraph newspaper logo
The Times newspaper logo
The Guardian newspaper logo
The Gizmodo logo
The Financial Times newspaper logo
Bloomberg logo

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
