ECO Scheme: find out if you qualify for home energy upgrades

ECO scheme update: The ECO Scheme is currently open. If you received an email from us about this scheme, we think you may be eligible to apply. Please read this page carefully to see if you could benefit.

What is the ECO scheme?

solar house

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme is a government energy efficiency program to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty in the UK.

The scheme focusses on improving the least energy efficient homes and all energy suppliers take part to improve the ability of low-income, fuel-poor and vulnerable households to heat their homes.

Eligible households can get free or discounted upgrades such internal wall insulation, loft insulation or may be able to qualify for a heat pump.

Check below if you could be eligible.

What to expect before you apply

Check eligibility


Check if you're eligible and apply for the scheme. We'll double check all the information and pass you onto an installer.

Home survey


One of our trusted installer will contact you to ask you about your home and book a home survey if your home seems like it could benefit for some upgrades

Book an install


The installer will suggest some improvements to your home including costs, if you're happy they will book you in for an installation.

Am I eligible for a home retrofit?

You must own your own home or have the permission of your landlord, including if your property is owned by a social housing provider or management company.

If you claim benefits and live in private housing

You might be eligible for help if you live in private housing and get one of the following benefits:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Pension Guarantee Credit
  • Pension Savings Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Child Benefit*
  • Housing Benefit

If you own your house, it must have an energy efficiency rating of D, E, F or G to be eligible.

If you rent from a private landlord, the house must have an energy efficiency rating of E, F or G to be eligible. You must have the owner’s permission to do the work.

If you’re a social housing tenant

You will need to contact your local authority for further info on their eco schemes. If you live in social housing that has an energy efficiency rating of E, F or G and receive the qualifying benefits you might be eligible for help.

If you're in receipt of child benefits only*

Child benefit only

Once your pass the eligibility check set by the government, an installer will visit your home to check to see if your home is suitable and will benefit from upgrades. Until then, we won't know what type of energy retrofit you home might receive.

Find your EPC rating:

Find your energy certificate if you live in Scotland, or if you live in England or Wales or ask your landlord or housing association.

What type of home improvements are available?

heat pump

Some of the measures we may be able to offer:

  • Heat Pump installation
  • Loft insulation
  • Floor insulation
  • Internal/external wall insulation
  • Solar PV (electricity only properties)

These are the measures that we offer, however, eligible applicants will only receive measures that are necessary for their property and available by our installers.

What happens after I apply?

  • When we receive your application, one of our ECO specialists will go through your application to check the eligibility criteria has been met based on the information you've supplied. We may get in touch if we need more information.
  • If we have everything we need, we'll pass you over to one of our trusted installers who will get in touch to ask for further details about the benefits you are in receipt of, home ownership details or landlords details to seek their permission.
  • Once you've passed that criteria the installer will need to survey your property to find out what energy efficiency measures are available for your home under the scheme. Only after the survey has been completed will we be able to advise if you're able to have home insulated under the scheme and what measures are available
  • The majority of the work completed under the ECO4 scheme is free of charge, but should there ever be a situation where the funding won't cover the full cost of the works we will provide you with a quotation to decide if you wish to go ahead with the work.
  • We will then crunch all the numbers to quote how much the work will cost and how much of it will be covered by the scheme.
    You may be required to pay a contribution however we won't know this until a survey has been completed.
  • No work or payment will be made until a full assessment, survey and quote has been prepared.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I guaranteed to have home improvements if I am eligible?


We cannot guarantee that you'll have any upgrades installed. There are a few reasons why this could be such as if our installers thinks your home won't save enough energy after a retrofit or that installing them might be too disruptive.

The installer will be able to advise once a survey has been completed and we will do everything we can to help you with your next steps.

Can I pick the home improvement I want?


The energy upgrades the installer recommends will be based on what will reduce your energy use, rather than your preference.

The installer will perform a survey on your home to determine what home improvement recommendations might be suitable for your home for maximum energy savings.

I rent my property - do I qualify?


Yes! The scheme is available for privately rented properties - you just need to receive the qualifying benefits, check your home has an EPC rating of D or below and have permission from your landlord.

I live in social housing - do I qualify?


You will need to contact your local authority for further info on their eco schemes. If you live in social housing that has an energy efficiency rating of E, F or G and you receive the qualifying benefits, you might be eligible for help with insulation or installing a heating system for the first time.

Who will install the upgrades to my home?


One of our trusted installers will perform the survey and installations.

Do I need my landlords permission?


Yes, you must have the owner’s permission to do the work.

Will I have to pay for any of this?


You may be required to pay an upfront contribution but this will not be known until after the initial in-home survey.

How do I find my energy certificate?


Find your energy certificate if you live in Scotland, or if you live in England or Wales or ask your landlord or housing association.

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