Woodlands Farm Repowering Project


Octopus Energy Generation are looking to refurbish up to 1,000 of the UK’s older wind turbines by the end of the decade. Working with turbine manufacturer EWT, we'll repower seasoned turbines with the latest technology to produce 2-3x more green energy.

When it comes to wind turbines, size really does matter! If you increase the length of turbine blades and adjust the tower height to a more efficient structure, you really can generate more power. We've been identifying the older generation of turbines across the UK with the aim to make them bigger and better than ever.

We recently purchased an onshore wind turbine (a turbowind) in Bodmin, Cornwall. The turbine is currently underperforming. It's not generating enough electricity and it provides no tangible benefit to the local community - with repowering, we want to change this.


Project Overview

Right now, Infinite Renewables Limited is preparing a planning application on behalf of Octopus Energy Generation to repower a single wind turbine in Bodmin, Cornwall. In the meantime, we're inviting members of the public to provide feedback on the development proposal. We're holding a Public Consultatoin in St Breward Village Hall on Monday July 8th from 10am-10pm.

The proposed wind turbine would replace the existing wind turbine already on site. The new turbine would be connected to the national grid and would join our 'Octopus Fan Club’ scheme which offers discounted energy bills for customers in the area.

This repowering project would help contribute to the UK Government’s pledge to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and Cornwall Council’s continuing work to become carbon neutral by 2030, following their declaration of a climate emergency in January 2019.

Project Specifics


The proposed turbine would replace the existing turbine located in Bodmin, Cornwall. More specifically on Land West of Helsbury Park Woods, Woodlands Farm, Michaelstow.

Site Layout
Location Plan


With Woodlands, we're looking to repower a single wind turbine and associated transformer, grid connection and a short extension to the existing access track. As we mentioned, size really does matter - so the new turbine will be bigger than the turbine currently at Woodlands.

Turbowind (Current)
EWT (Proposed)

The EWT wind turbine we plan to put on site would have a 54m rotor diameter, 40m hub and 67m blade tip height. In comparison, the existing wind turbine (an old turbowind) has a rotor diameter of 29.1m, 30.85m hub height and 45.4m blade tip height.

As the new turbine is bigger, it will have the potential to generate up to 900kW of clean energy, as opposed to the current turbine that can only reach a maximum of 400kW. Unfortunately, due to grid constraints in the area, though the new turbine has the potential to generate up to 900kW, it will be constrained to 400kW.

The Octopus Fan Club

Fan Club x repowering copy

Customers living close to one of our Fan Club turbines can sign up to receive discounts on their electricity bill.

When their local ‘Fan’ starts spinning, members receive 20% off.

This jumps up to 50% off when the green electrons really start flowing.

Using their own personal dashboard and forecast notifications, members can monitor their local Fan and shift their energy consumption to the times when it’s cheapest and greenest.

Be a part of the green energy transition and help us to move towards a cheaper and greener future.

Community support is vital when it comes to the development of onshore wind projects. Add yourself to our Fan Club waiting list today and be the first to know when we launch a Fan Club in your area!

Here's what our current Fan Club members have to say...

At first, I was sceptical about the savings I could make. I was staggered when the savings were credited to my account. I now keep my eye on the fan club regularly and try to use my washer and dryer.

I'm really impressed with Octopus and how they are helping our local community save money . It has helped me feel closer to the turbine and understand how they work.

I think the Fan Club is a brilliant idea. Not only does it make me think about how and when I use energy but it is also helping in the battle with climate change and saving me money as well, win win all round.


Infinite Renewables Limited are currently preparing the planning application alongside a team of consultants to undertake detailed technical surveys and assessments to support the application. This team includes Woodfield Ecology (ecology), Amalgam (landscape and visual), South West Archaeology (heritage and archaeology), Acstro (transport) and Wardell Armstrong (noise).



A Noise Assessment has been prepared by Wardell Armstrong. The Noise Assessment assesses the impact of the operation phase of the replacement turbine on existing noise sensitive receptors (residential properties), in line with relevant guidance. The results show that the candidate wind turbine will not exceed the daytime and night-time noise limits at any of the existing sensitive receptors. The operation of the replacement wind turbine noise is predicted to have no significant impact at the nearest sensitive receptors.

Landscape and Visual


A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) was prepared by Amalagm Landscape Limited. The LVIA considers the existing conditions, design of the proposal and assesses the potential landscape and visual effects of the proposed development and any cumulative effects. The ‘main’ study area is a 5km radius measured from the location of the proposed development. The LVIA concluded that the proposed wind turbine would have limited impact on landscape relevant designations, landscape, character and visual amenity receptors and their views.

Ecology & Biodiversity


A Preliminary Ecological Assessment (PEA) has been prepared by Woodfield Ecology. The PEA documents the habitat survey and desk study and sets out the preliminary recommendations for survey and monitoring. Additional bird and bat surveys are currently being undertaken. At least 10% of biodiversity net gain will be provided.



A Heritage Impact Assessment has been prepared by Southwest Archaeology. The Assessment aims to identify the significance of a historic building, complex, area, monument or archaeological site (heritage asset) and then to assess the likely effect of the proposed wind turbine on the heritage asset and/or its setting. In terms of designated heritage assets the assessment found that screening from hedegrows and trees is, for the most part, very comprehensive, and even those assets in relative proximity to the site are largely insulated from visual effect.

Shadow Flicker


A Shadow Flicker Assessment has been prepared by Infinite Renewables. Shadow flicker refers to the flickering effect caused when rotating wind turbine blades periodically cast shadows over neighbouring properties as they turn, through constrained openings such as windows. Following the results of the assessment, a Shadow Flicker Prevention (SFP) System will be installed on the wind turbine. The SFP system will ensure that there would be no shadow flicker on any of the properties in the area.



A Transport Management Plan (TMP) was prepared by Acstro. The existing turbine will be dismantled and transported away from site and components for the new turbine will arrive by a number of Abnormal Indivisible Loads (AIL). The TMP describes the route the turbine would take from point of entry to the site. Swept path analysis was undertaken at various points along the proposed delivery route to check that delivery vehicles can successfully pass through junctions, narrow sections and move into the site. The TMP demonstrates that the proposed turbine blades, the largest component of the proposed turbine, can be transported along the assessed section of the route without any significant issues. It is not necessary to carry out any highway works to accommodate the AIL’s.


Please complete our Woodlands Farm Repowering project typeform. If you are unable to attend our Fan Zone event in person on Monday July 8th in St Brewards Village Hall, we encourage you to submit your feedback online before July 15th. Those attending the public consultation are able to submit feedback on the day.

Planning Application

Infinite Renewables Limited (on behalf of Octopus Energy) are preparing the planning application alongside a team of consultants to undertake detailed technical surveys and assessments to support the application. This team includes Woodfield Ecology (ecology), Amalgam (landscape and visual), South West Archaeology (heritage and archaeology), Acstro (transport) and Wardell Armstrong (noise).

The planning application is programmed to be submitted in August 2024. Once submitted, you will be able to monitor its progress and make further comments via the Council’s webpage here.

Download Files





Shadow Flicker




Ecological Constraints


Ecological Assessment




LVIA Figures 5-7


LVIA Figures 2-4


LVIA ZTVs Tip Height


LVIA ZTVs Hub Height


LVIA ZTVs Comparison


Fig 14A-D - Viewpoint 1


Fig 15A-D - Viewpoint 2


Fig 16A-D - Viewpoint 3


Fig 17A-D - Viewpoint 4


Fig 18A-D- Viewpoint 5


Fig 19A-D - Viewpoint 6


Fig 20A-D - Viewpoint 7


Fig 21A-D - Viewpoint 8


Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
