Octopus customers review their heat pump

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Customers across the country are ditching their gas boilers in favour of clean, affordable heat pumps.

We’re hearing from more and more of our customers that getting a heat pump has saved them money and helped them feel more in control.

In fact, 80% of heat pump owners are as satisfied or even more satisfied with their heat pump than their old system.

Get a quote here.

Alan and Linda love their heat pumps just as much as we do

Meet Linda

“It is the best thing I have ever done"

Speaking to the Mirror, Linda said she's saving £300 a year with her heat pump despite having the heat on morning to night every day. She trusts it more than any other heating she's had, and the house stays warm too:

"People walk in now and say how cosy it is".

Meet Alan

"For the first time ever, I feel I'm in control of my energy"


Customers review the Cosy 6 heat pump

Our very own Octopus-made heat pump, the Cosy, is now keeping customers toasty across the country.

Ditch gas for good with a heat pump

With the new £7,500 government grant, heat pumps have never been cheaper. Quotes include heat pump, installation labour, and configuration.

Keep cosy and cut your carbon

With 80% fewer carbon emissions, heat pumps are healthier for the planet. They’re up to 4x more efficient creating heat from even the coldest temperatures.

Get a quote in 60 seconds

We just need your address and a little info about your home and we'll generate a quote and show you the results on the website, here and now.

Published on 3rd March 2025 by:

image of Becky Boulton

Becky Boulton

Green Hero

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
