Invest in British green energy with the Collective


UPDATE: Fan #1 and #2 reached their investment targets in record time! The team are busy securing new projects for the Collective, so watch this space.

Ever wanted to own part of a wind or solar farm? Now you can! Invest from £25, with no fees.

A third of Brits say they’d like to invest in green energy. But until now, opportunities to do so have been mostly limited to buying shares in big companies, not directly supporting the projects generating clean power. We set out to change that.

Flash forward two years, one licence from the Financial Conduct Authority, and a whole platform build later, we’re proud to introduce: the Octopus Energy Collective.

The Collective is an investment platform, so don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose money. This is a high risk investment. You may not be able to access your money easily and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take two minutes to learn more.

It's green investing, done differently

The Collective is an investment platform for renewable energy projects. It enables you to own a piece of a project for a set length of time while you get the chance to earn a return.

When you invest through the Collective, your money goes straight to the project. There’s no middleman taking a cut, and we don’t charge any fees for using the platform.

Another thing that sets the Collective apart is how long your money is invested for. We know that not everyone is prepared to part with their money for decades at a time, that’s why we’ve kicked off the Collective with projects that invest your money for three years.

So, what’s on offer?

To start with, there are two projects available on the Collective — Fan #1 and Fan #2. These are two operational wind turbines that have been generating clean, green energy under the Octopus Energy name since 2020, but have been spinning from as early as 2014.

Here's Fan #1 spinning proudly in Market Weighton, East Yorkshire!

As an investor in Fan #1 or #2 (or both!), you’d own a stake in the turbine for three years and have the opportunity to earn a target return of 6% per year. Although — like with any investment — you’re not guaranteed to make money and you could lose the money you invest. (FYI, we’ve covered the key risks in detail over on the Collective.)

These projects are open for investment for a limited time, check out the Collective’s website for everything you need to know.

How it works

Here’s the play-by-play of joining and investing through the Collective.

1. Sign up

Anyone can request to join the Collective — you don’t need to be an Octopus Energy customer. As part of signup, you’ll need to complete a short, multi-choice quiz and tell us what kind of investor you are. These steps help us ensure you understand the risks involved with investing.

2. Invest

Once you’re in, you can pick a project and decide how much you want to invest between £25 and £20,000. Each project is open for investment for about 90 days (or less if it meets its investment target early), and you can invest in as many projects as you like.

3. Track & earn

During the investment term, your Octopus Energy Collective account shows how much clean energy your share of the project generates. Any dividends you earn can be paid into your Collective Wallet, your bank account, or your Octopus Energy account to help lower your energy bills.

4. Reinvest (or withdraw)

When your investment finishes, the project aims to buy your shares off you at the same price you paid for them (returning your original investment amount). You can choose to either withdraw your initial investment or reinvest it into another project on the Collective.

Why an investment platform?

We didn’t set out to build an investment platform just for the fun of it. The way green energy projects are funded needs to change, and we saw a chance to make that happen.

Right now, most funding comes from big investors like corporations, governments, and banks. That works, but it keeps ownership in the hands of a few. By opening the door to everyday investors, we can unlock more funding for green energy projects that, once built, can help decrease our reliance on fossil fuels.

It’s also about sharing the benefits of the green energy shift. Why should big investors be the only ones earning from renewables? The Collective gives you a chance to own a piece of the transition and see a financial return, all while helping build a cleaner, cheaper, more reliable energy system.

Curious to hear more? Get the full lowdown from Zoisa, CEO of the Collective:

Keen to get involved?

The Collective can help shift how green energy projects are funded and owned. If that sounds like your thing, check out the Collective to learn more.

The statistic we used in the intro comes from a YouGov survey conducted on behalf of Octopus Energy in January 2025.

The Collective is an investment platform, so don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all your money invested. This is a high‐risk investment. You could lose all the money you invest and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take two minutes to learn more.

Nothing in this blog should be considered financial advice. If you are unsure about investing or want to speak to someone about your investment decisions you should speak to a financial advisor.

Published on 12th March 2025 by:

image of Cassie McCrone

Cassie McCrone


Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
