World Environment Day: What difference has your energy supply made?
You may already know that Monday 5th June is United Nations World Environment Day.
It got us asking: what contribution have Octopus Energy and our customers made since we launched slightly over a year ago?

The greener energy Octopus customers use means 26,900 fewer tonnes of CO₂ have been released into the atmosphere than if our customers had been with typical UK energy suppliers. That's roughly the same climate impact as 140 trees for each and every Octopus Energy customer (or over 13 million trees).¹
We’ve supplied 65GWh of British renewable energy - that’s about enough to charge 17 million iPhone 6's, from empty to full, every single day for the last 12 months.²
Speaking of supporting British renewable energy – here’s a map of the renewable energy producers currently supplying Octopus Energy customers, alongside the 100+ renewable energy producers backed through Octopus Investments.
By carbon-offsetting their gas use, our Super Green customers have prevented deforestation of the Amazon rainforest through our partnership with the Florestal Santa Maria project in Brazil.
Over the past 5 years this project has protected an area larger than Liechtenstein in the Amazon rainforest. As well as putting a stop to logging and deforestation for farming in the area, the project has worked with 15 local communities to develop sustainable forestry jobs, local fire brigades, and eco-tourism jobs.

Community leaders supporting the project, from the Democracia, Água Azul, São José do Miriti, Vista Alegre, Jatuarana, Terra Preta do Ramal, Pandegal, Santa Maria, Santa Eva, Terra Preta do Rio Mancoré, Urucury, Mocambo, Boa Esperança, São João, Ponta Grossa, and Kamayuá communities
Finally, to celebrate World Environment Day, we're doing one more thing. This year's theme is connecting people with nature. So, for every new customer who joins Octopus Energy on World Environment Day – that's Monday, June 5th – we're going to plant a native broad-leaf tree, right here in the UK. And as a memento, we'll send each customer a photo of their individual tree.
If you'd like a tree planted in your name, switch to Octopus today
“You could pay £1078 with British Gas, or £743 with Octopus”
Published on 12th October 2022 by:
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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