Smart Tariffs - Terms and Conditions

Octopus Energy Limited and Octopus Energy Operations Limited - Smart Tariffs terms and conditions.

Section 1 last updated on 14 August 2024

1. Terms and conditions in this section 1 apply to all our smart import tariffs

1.1 The smart import tariffs offered by Octopus are uniquely innovative, and are offered to customers through our beta programme. This means these tariffs are using the latest proprietary technology and smart meter infrastructure, so are still very much in the testing and development stages. They are often heavily reliant on third party processes that might not always be reliable, and you should expect things to not work the first time, or break unexpectedly. On some occasions, issues with smart meters may take significant time to fix, or prevent one of our smart import tariffs working at all. We will always do our best to give you a great service and fix things promptly, but by agreeing to be on one of these tariffs, you understand and accept that despite all our efforts, things may not always work or be fixable.

1.2 Our General Terms & Conditions for domestic energy supply that you signed up to when you joined us and our Privacy Policy (which can be found on our website) still apply, as well as the relevant additional tariff terms set out below, which together form part of our Contract with you.

1.3 You can always switch from a standard import tariff to a smart import tariff (provided you meet the eligibility criteria for that particular tariff), but if you switch away from a smart import tariff, you cannot switch back to a smart import tariff within 30 days.

1.4 You will need to have a compatible Smart Meter to switch to one of our smart import tariffs. If you don’t have a Smart Meter already installed, we can install one free of charge. We will arrange this as fast as possible, but you accept and agree that the installation is dependent on engineer and stock availability and so the process may take some time. We are also only able to install smart meters in areas with sufficient connectivity to the smart meter data communication network.

1.5 If you switch to one of our smart import tariffs, you agree that we can take half hourly meter readings from your Smart Meter. If we are unable to obtain half hourly meter readings from your Smart Meter directly, we will charge you for your energy as we would charge a customer on our Flexible Octopus Variable Rate Tariff, based on typical consumption patterns (referred to by Ofgem as “Profile 1”). We are unable to use data from third party software or apps for billing purposes.

1.6 If we are using third party software or applications (including but not limited to APIs) to connect to specific devices as part of your smart import tariff, our ability to manage these devices and perform the associated services is dependent on the availability of these third parties. We are not responsible for and cannot control these third party products and services, and we will not be liable for any issues or losses arising in relation to the failure or non-availability of such third party software or applications.

1.7 The definitions in the General Terms & Conditions apply here unless we say otherwise. These additional definitions also apply for some of our smart tariffs:

Balancing Mechanism” means the service procured by the National Electricity System Operator to manage supply and demand on the transmission network. For more detail, see Elexon’s definition here:

“Capacity Market” means the service procured by Government through yearly auctions to maintain sufficient generation capacity to meet peak national demand.

Demand Flexibility Service” means the service procured by the Electricity System Operator to manage supply and demand on the transmission system.

Demand Response Services” refers to procured flexibility services, including:

  • Balancing Mechanism
  • Capacity Market
  • Demand Flexibility Service
  • Transmission Constraint Management Services
  • Distribution Constraint Management Services

"Distribution Constraint Management Services” means services procured by Distribution System Operators to manage constraints on the distribution network.

“Distribution System Operators” means a licensed distribution system operator. For more detail, see Elexon’s definitions here:

National Electricity System Operator” or “National Energy System Operator” means the corporation responsible for operating Britain’s electricity system.

Low Carbon Technology” means, as applicable to you, your heat pump, solar PV, battery system or electric vehicle or any other device (e.g. thermostats) that we control under one of our smart tariffs.

Transmission Constraint Management Services” means services procured by the National Electricity System Operator to manage constraints on the transmission network.

2. Terms and conditions in this section 2 apply to your relevant smart import tariff

These terms apply to the Octopus Go tariff - Last updated on 28 October 2024 (Version 1.5)

2.1.1 Octopus Go is a Variable Rate Tariff, with your daily standing charge, quoted day rate per kWh and quoted night rate per kWh (for 5 hours starting at 00:30).

2.1.2 Octopus Go is only compatible with our “Octopus Outgoing Smart Export Guarantee”, "Outgoing Octopus" and “Agile Outgoing Octopus” export tariff and no other Octopus export tariffs.

2.1.3 Octopus Go is designed for customers who either own or have a long-term lease of a battery electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid vehicle that they will be charging at their home that we supply. If you sign up to our Octopus Go tariff but do not meet any of these eligibility criteria, we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more appropriate for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms that apply to the alternative tariff.

These terms apply to the Agile Octopus tariff - Last updated on 30 January 2024 (Version 2.5)

2.3.1 Prices for the Agile Octopus tariff are calculated based on a formula related to wholesale costs, and are usually published between 16:00-22:00 (normally, but not always, nearer 16:00), for the following day, with a different price for every 30 minutes of every day. For customers who signed up or renewed before 11 December 2023: Agile Octopus is a Variable Rate Tariff, and your daily standing charge and the unit rate pricing formula is variable and subject to change. We will give you reasonable notice of any changes. For customers who signed up or renewed after 11 December 2023: Agile Octopus is a Variable Rate Tariff with a fixed term. This means whilst your unit rate varies daily throughout the day, your daily standing charge and the unit rate pricing formula are fixed for the duration of your tariff term.

2.3.3 Prices can rise as well as fall, though the unit rate is capped at the amount specified at the time of switching. We will give you reasonable notice of any changes to the cap.

2.3.4 The variable nature of Agile Octopus means any prediction of future costs will be inaccurate and historical data will not predict future performance. Agile Octopus is a smart import tariff that allows you to unlock the cheaper and greener benefits of using energy according to wholesale costs. Sometimes peaks may be higher, sometimes lower. You will always be able to switch to one of our fairly priced standard tariffs at any time.

2.3.5 If upon signing up or renewing, you are put on an older version of the tariff than the one valid on the day of your signup or renewal (whichever is later), we reserve the right to amend your agreement to the correct version of the tariff which was live at the time of your sign up or renewal (whichever is later). We will not be liable for any financial losses resulting from this issue.

These terms apply to the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff and the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff - Last updated on 28 October 2024 (Version 2.4)

2.4.1 Intelligent Octopus Go Intelligent Octopus Go is a Variable Rate Tariff, with your daily standing charge, a quoted day rate per kWh and a quoted night rate (for six hours, from 23:30 to 05:30 - the “off-peak hours”). Intelligent Octopus Go is compatible with our following export tariffs: “Octopus Outgoing Smart Export Guarantee”, “Outgoing Octopus” and “Agile Outgoing Octopus”. The Intelligent Octopus Go tariff is for customers with a battery electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid vehicle that charges primarily at the home that we supply. Any electricity used by the vehicle according to the Intelligent Octopus Go schedule plus any other electricity used in your home during off-peak hours will be charged at the night rate. If we schedule your electric vehicle to charge outside of the off-peak hours, we will apply the night rate for your EV charging and any underlying household usage will be charged in the relevant half hour billing periods. To be eligible for this tariff, you agree to download the Octopus Energy app and register your Low Carbon Technology on the app within 7 days of signing up for the tariff. Failure to register your device within this period will result in your account being moved to the Octopus Go tariff. It is an ongoing requirement to have at least one Low Carbon Technology registered in the app. If at any time you do not have an active authorisation for integration with a supported vehicle or charge point and you have not had such active authorisation for a period of more than 30 days, or there is a material change to your charging set up that is not compatible with IO Go (for example you no longer have the car or charger you used to sign up to Intelligent Octopus Go), you will no longer be eligible for this tariff and we will switch you to one of our fairly priced standard tariffs and you will be billed according to your usage under that tariff. You must record your operating preferences in the Octopus Energy app, for example what time you need your electric vehicle ready in the morning and how much energy you would like to add to your vehicle. We'll take your operating preferences into account first and optimise your energy use around that. If it's not possible to charge your car by the time you specify (for example, because the connector capacity is not sufficient for a full charge or because your preferences are updated on too short notice for a full charge) we'll notify you and try to charge as much as possible in the time available. Intelligent Octopus Go is subject to a fair use policy with a maximum of six hours of managed charging per 24 hours. Should your charging schedule request more than six hours per 24 hours, we reserve the right to charge any incremental usage above six hours at the day rate. By signing up to the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff, you agree to:

  • a) Give us permission to integrate and connect with your Low Carbon Technology using your home wifi, in-built sim card, or other method as agreed between us.
  • b) Give us permission to influence the times of operation of your Low Carbon Technology. We will always strive to operate these assets in line with the preferences you have specified in our app, but this service cannot be guaranteed.
  • c) Us collecting data about your Low Carbon Technology, including but not limited to model, power consumption, operating preferences, any actions you take to operate these assets and how these assets perform. We will use this information to optimise your asset operations, send operating instructions to your Low Carbon Technology, and generate bills.
  • d) Give us exclusive rights to enter contracts for the provision of Demand Response Services with your Low Carbon Technology while you remain on this tariff. By agreeing to these T&Cs terms you authorise Octopus to enter Demand Response Services contracts with your Low Carbon Technology and share relevant data with the relevant Market Operator, including but not limited to your half-hourly consumption data, address and Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) where necessary.
  • e) Give us the exclusive right to control your Low Carbon Technology to deliver on Demand Response Services when required by such service contracts.
  • f) Not enter your Premises into any third party schemes that enter you into a Demand Response Service while you remain on this tariff. If we become aware that you have joined a third party scheme, we have the right to remove you from Intelligent Octopus Go. We do not guarantee that this tariff will be compatible with your Low Carbon Technology or that your technology will operate in accordance with your preferences. We accept no liability for wear of your Low Carbon Technology, scheduling failure or other electric faults. Our liability to you is as set out in our General Terms and Conditions.

2.4.2 Intelligent Octopus Flux Intelligent Octopus Flux is a Variable Rate Tariff, with your daily standing charge, a quoted day rate per kWh and a special “flux” rate (for three hours, from 16:00 to 19:00 - the “flux period”) for your imported and exported energy. The Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff is for customers with a home battery of a type approved by us and that is located at the home that we supply. The Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff is a combined import and export tariff, and you therefore cannot be on any other electricity tariffs whilst on the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff, with the exception of Octopus Power Pack export. By agreeing to be on Intelligent Octopus Flux, you also accept Octopus Energy’s Export Tariff Terms and Conditions. You agree that any feed in tariff (FiT) payments you may currently be receiving for your exported energy will be stopped when you move to Intelligent Octopus Flux and will be replaced by export payments on the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff, once you have switched to Intelligent Octopus Flux you will not subsequently be able to revert to your previous export tariff terms and rate. If Octopus Energy is not your FiT supplier, you agree to inform your current FiT supplier that you should no longer receive export payments from them as they have been replaced by export payments from the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff. To be eligible for this tariff, you must meet the eligibility criteria described in section 2.4.7 below, and agree to download the Octopus Energy app and register your battery on the app. We will need to have control access to your battery throughout this contract for you to remain eligible for this tariff. If at any time you do not have an active authorisation for integration with a supported battery and you have not had such active authorisation for a period of more than 30 days, you will no longer be eligible for this tariff and we will switch you to one of our fairly priced standard tariffs and you will be billed according to your usage under that tariff. To be eligible for this tariff you must:

  • a) Have a Smart Meter for both import and export installed;
  • b) Have a photovoltaic (PV) solar system and a home battery installed and operational at the property which we supply; and
  • c) If we request it, provide us with your G98 / G99 certification from your distributor.
  • d) If we request it, provide us with your MCS certificate for your PV system
  • e) If we request it, provide evidence of the Feed-in-Tariff for your PV system.

Note, we may already have the information in c) and d) above if you are on an existing export tariff with us, but please have this available if we require this. By signing up to the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff, you agree to:

  • a) Give us permission to integrate and connect with your battery using your home wifi, in-built sim card, or other method as agreed between us.
  • b) Give us permission to influence the times of operation of your battery.
  • c) Us collecting data about your battery, including but not limited to model, power consumption, operating preferences, any actions you take to operate these assets and how these assets perform. We will use this information to optimise your asset operations, send operating instructions to your battery to generate bills and our general research into the operation of similar devices.
  • d) Give us exclusive rights to enter contracts for the provision of Demand Response Services with your Low Carbon Technology while you remain on this tariff. By agreeing to these T&Cs terms you authorise Octopus to enter Demand Response Services contracts with your Low Carbon Technology and share relevant data with the relevant Market Operator, including but not limited to your half-hourly consumption data, address and Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) where necessary.
  • e) Give us the exclusive right to control your Low Carbon Technology to deliver on Demand Response Services when required by such service contracts.
  • f) Not enter your Premises into any third party schemes that enter you into a Demand Response Service while you remain on this tariff. If we become aware that you have joined a third party scheme, we have the right to remove you from Intelligent Octopus Flux. We will use reasonable efforts to discharge your battery during the flux period hours and charge your battery outside the flux period, but we accept no liability where this is not the case. We do not guarantee that this tariff will be compatible with your battery or that it will operate in accordance with your preferences. We accept no liability for wear of your battery, scheduling failure or other electric faults. Our liability to you is as set out in our General Terms and Conditions. If you sign up to our Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff but do not meet these eligibility criteria, or at any time during the term of the tariff one or more of the eligibility criteria cease to apply, you agree that you will be removed from the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff and we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more appropriate for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms that apply to the alternative tariff.

These terms apply to the Tesla tariff - Last updated on 22 March 2023 (Version C)

The Tesla tariff is a combined import and export tariff, and you therefore cannot be on any other tariffs whilst on the Tesla tariff.

2.5.1 By signing up to the Tesla tariff, you consent to Tesla remotely controlling your Powerwall and remotely controlling the time and rate of your Tesla electric vehicle charging if applicable (within constraints set by you with regards to certain elements, e.g. departure time and required battery state of charge at that point), in collaboration with Octopus Energy for the purpose of both charging and grid optimization within the described offer.

2.5.2 You consent to Octopus Energy sharing your personal data with Tesla for the purposes of supplying you with this tariff.

2.5.3 You understand that if your predicted annual consumption (based on industry standards) between the hours of 07:00 and 19:30 goes above 9,500kWh per Powerwall, Octopus Energy reserves the right to move you to alternative Octopus Energy tariff.

2.5.4 You agree that any feed in tariff (FiT) payments you may currently be receiving for your exported energy will be stopped when you move to the Tesla tariff and will be replaced by export payments on the Tesla tariff. If Octopus Energy is not your FiT supplier, you agree to inform your current FiT supplier that you should no longer receive export payments from them as they have been replaced by export payments from the Tesla tariff.

2.5.5 When the fixed term of your Tesla tariff comes to an end, unless you elect to stay on the Tesla tariff, optimization of your Powerwall will cease and remote Tesla Energy Plan optimization of your Powerwall will cease.

2.5.6 You agree to provide Octopus Energy with your Serial Number for your Tesla Powerwall, your MCS Certificate number for your solar system and your DNO confirmation.

2.5.7 By agreeing to be on the Tesla tariff, you also accept Octopus Energy’s Smart Export Tariff Terms and Conditions.

These terms apply to the Octopus Zero tariff - Last updated on 22 March 2023 (Version C)

2.6.1 The Octopus Zero tariff is a 12 month fixed tariff that covers both your electricity import and export.

2.6.2 To be eligible for this tariff you must:

  • a) Be living in an Octopus ZERO approved home, with Octopus Energy approved heat pump, solar PV and battery systems installed, which need to remain operational/turned on and be well maintained throughout the term of your tariff;
  • b) Have a continuous internet connection via WiFi;
  • c) Leave the settings on your PV inverter and home battery unchanged from how we remotely program this for you; and
  • d) Have a Smart Meter for both import and export installed.

2.6.3 If you sign up to our Octopus Zero tariff but do not meet these eligibility criteria, or at any time during the term of the tariff one or more of the eligibility criteria cease to apply, we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more appropriate for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms that apply to the alternative tariff.

2.6.4 We are relying on the information provided to us by your developer or house builder and if at any point we discover that the information provided to us is inaccurate or incomplete and changes the eligibility of the property for this tariff, we will not be responsible for any loss you may incur as a result.

2.6.5 You cannot be on any other export tariff whilst on the Octopus Zero tariff.

2.6.6 Your energy use will be charged as follows:

  • a) There will be no standing charge.
  • b) You will receive 10 MWh of energy import over the 12 month term for free (please note paragraph 2.6.6 below).
  • c) Any energy you import above 10 MWh will be charged at the rate quoted to you during your sign-up journey.
  • d) Any electric vehicle charging is not included in the 10 MWh of free energy and we will charge you for this separately. We will let you know the rates for this energy consumption during your sign-up journey.

2.6.7 Any energy you import above 10 MWh will be calculated and billed to you at the earlier of (i) end of the fixed term of the tariff or (ii) when you leave the Octopus Zero tariff.

2.6.8 You agree to keep the Octopus ZERO approved home equipment properly maintained in accordance with the manufacturers’ guidance and by using manufacturer approved engineers.

2.6.9 If you leave the Octopus Zero tariff for whatever reason before the end of the fixed term, we will charge you for any energy you have used above a prorated allowance of 27 kWh per day since your last bill and shall bill you for this amount when you leave.

These terms apply to the Cosy Octopus tariff - Last updated on 13 January 2025 (Version 1.2)

2.7.1 Cosy Octopus is a Variable Rate Tariff, with your daily standing charge, quoted day rate per kWh, three lower price per kWh “boost periods” (from 04:00 - 07:00, 13:00 - 16:00 and 22:00-00:00), and a “peak period” rate per kWh (from 16:00 - 19:00).

2.7.2 Cosy Octopus is compatible with our “Octopus Outgoing Smart Export Guarantee”, “Octopus Outgoing” and "Agile Outgoing Octopus" export tariffs, and no other Octopus export tariffs.

2.7.3 To be eligible for the Cosy Octopus tariff, you must have a heat pump or compatible low carbon heating system installed and operational at the property which we supply. Compatible systems are determined at Octopus' sole discretion. If you sign up to our Cosy Octopus tariff but do not meet this eligibility criteria, we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more appropriate for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms that apply to the alternative tariff.

These terms apply to the Octopus Flux tariff - Last updated on 15 February 2024 (Version 2.9)

2.8.1 The Octopus Flux tariff is a combined import and export tariff, and you therefore cannot be on any other tariffs whilst on the Octopus Flux tariff, with the exception of Octopus Power Pack export.

2.8.2 Octopus Flux is a Variable Rate Tariff, with your daily standing charge, quoted day rate per kWh, a lower price per kWh “flux period” (from 02:00 to 05:00), and a “peak period” rate per kWh (from 16:00 to 19:00) for your imported and exported energy.

2.8.3 By agreeing to be on Octopus Flux, you also accept Octopus Energy’s Export Tariff Terms and Conditions.

2.8.4 You agree that any feed in tariff (FiT) payments you may currently be receiving for your exported energy will be stopped when you move to Octopus Flux and will be replaced by export payments on the Octopus Flux tariff. If Octopus Energy is not your FiT supplier, you agree to inform your current FiT supplier that you should no longer receive export payments from them as they have been replaced by export payments from the Octopus Flux tariff.

2.8.5 To be eligible for this tariff you must:

  • a) Have a Smart Meter for both import and export installed;
  • b) Have a photovoltaic (PV) solar system and a home battery installed and operational at the property which we supply; and
  • c) Provide us with your G98 / G99 certification from your distributor.
  • d) Provide us with your MCS certificate for your PV system

2.8.6 If you sign up to our Octopus Flux tariff but do not meet these eligibility criteria, or at any time during the term of the tariff one or more of the eligibility criteria cease to apply, we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more appropriate for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms that apply to the alternative tariff.

These terms apply to the Octopus Tracker tariff - Last updated on 13 January 2025 (Version 1.4)

These terms are supplemental to and apply in addition to our General Terms and Conditions.

2.9.1 Prices for Octopus Tracker tariff are calculated based on a formula related to wholesale costs. A different price is published for each day of consumption. Prices are usually published from 00:00 on the day, and can be viewed in your Octopus account or in our mobile app.

2.9.2 As pricing for Octopus Tracker is dependent on a third party process, if we do not receive pricing data before 21:00 the day before consumption, we will continue to use the most recently received pricing data we have available to us. Prices may continue to rollover up until we receive new pricing data, and/or we may correct our pricing following receipt of the updated pricing data for the relevant period, which we will publish as soon as reasonably possible after we receive it. We receive the daily pricing data for electricity from N2EX and gas data from Marex. For customers who joined or renewed prior to 11 December 2023:
Octopus Tracker is a Variable Rate Tariff, and your daily standing charge and the unit rate pricing formula is variable and subject to change. We will give you reasonable notice of any changes. The formula which sets out how we use the daily pricing data from N2EX and Marex to calculate your energy price is set out in our Tracker FAQ's and which are available at For customers who joined or renewed after 11 December 2023:
Octopus Tracker is a Variable Rate Tariff. While your actual unit rate will change in line with the output of the formula, the methodology for calculating your unit rate is a fixed calculation for the duration of the tariff , and your daily standing charge is also fixed for the duration of the tariff. The formula which sets out how we use the daily pricing data from N2EX and Marex to calculate your energy price is set out in our Tracker FAQ's and which are available at

2.9.4 Prices can rise as well as fall, though the unit rate is capped at the amount specified at the time of switching, or as subsequently notified to you. We will give you reasonable notice of any changes to the cap. If you join or renew after 11 December 2023, the cap will be fixed for the duration of your tariff term.

2.9.5 The variable nature of Octopus Tracker means any prediction of future costs will be inaccurate and historical data will not predict future performance. Octopus Tracker is a smart import tariff that allows you to unlock the cheaper and greener benefits of using energy according to wholesale costs. Sometimes peaks may be higher, sometimes lower. If you wish to leave the Octopus Tracker tariff, you will always be able to switch to one of our other fairly priced standard tariffs.

2.9.6 If you leave Tracker during your fixed term period, you'll need to wait 9 months before switching back to Tracker, but would be able to sign up to any of our other tariffs that you are eligible for instead

2.9.7 If we have not received half hourly meter readings from your Smart Meter at the point of billing, we may need to estimate what proportion of your usage should be allocated to each day, based on industry coefficients (which take into account temperature). We are unlikely to be able to rebill you based on actual consumption if we receive half hourly meter readings after we have issued your bill, therefore you agree to pay your charges based on estimated readings in this scenario. Bills produced on Octopus Tracker could be based on half hourly meter readings, typical consumption patterns, or any combination thereof within the billing period.

2.9.8 If upon signing up or renewing, you are put on an older version of the tariff than the one valid on the day of your signup or renewal (whichever is later), we reserve the right to amend your agreement to the correct version of the tariff which was live at the time of your sign up or renewal (whichever is later). We will not be liable for any financial losses resulting from this issue.

These terms apply to the Octopus Power Pack - Last updated on 15 February 2024

2.10.1 Power Pack is a variable tariff. This is a “type of use” tariff (meaning it applies to energy used to charge your car only, not other energy you use) and so you must be on another Octopus Energy tariff for both import and export in addition to the Power Pack tariff. For import, this can be any other import tariff except Agile, Tracker or one of our Intelligent Octopus tariffs. Your export tariff must be Octopus Power Pack Export. As a result, you will not receive payments for solar on your base bill, but we will include this benefit in the credit that we provide to you (see 2.10.4 below). The Export T&Cs still apply.

2.10.2 To be eligible for this tariff you must:

  • a) Have a Smart Meter installed and registered for export;
  • b) Have a compatible chargepoint installed and operational at the property which we supply;
  • c) Have a compatible car that is a battery electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid vehicle that charges primarily at the home that we supply;
  • d) Have G99 permission to export at least 5 kW onto the grid, and provide us with your G99 certification from your distributor;
  • e) Charge no more than 333 kWh each month (equivalent to 1000 miles); and
  • f) Have your car plugged in and available to us for a minimum of 170 hours each month

2.10.3 If you sign up to our Power Pack tariff but, in any given month, do not meet these eligibility criteria, you will not receive a credit for car charging that month (see below for how crediting works). The effect of this is that your car charging will be billed at your home unit rates. You will still receive a credit for any solar generation benefit (see 2.10.4 below).

2.10.4 Charges on the Power Pack tariff work like this:

  • a) All electricity you use will initially be charged/credited at the normal unit rate you pay/earn for import/export according to your other tariffs. These rates and your applicable standing charges will be shown in your account balance and on your bill.
  • b) In the first week of each calendar month, we shall apply a credit to your account, based on how much of your total electricity usage in the previous month was used to charge your EV. We will add into this credit any benefit you’ve generated from solar generation. In order to calculate this, we will ask you to provide us with your preferred export rates, which you must do, by selecting a preferred tariff. Your choices for this are Octopus Outgoing Smart Export Guarantee, Outgoing Octopus or Octopus Flux Export (only available if you are on Octopus Flux Import). Credits are calculated in our Intelligent Octopus platform.

2.10.5 To be on this tariff, you agree to connect your device to the Intelligent Octopus platform. This is an ongoing requirement throughout your time on this tariff. If at any time you do not have an active authorisation for integration with a supported vehicle or charge point, and you have not had such active authorisation for a period of more than 30 days, you will no longer be eligible for this tariff and we will switch you to one of our fairly priced standard tariffs and you will be billed according to your usage under that tariff.

2.10.6 You must provide us with your operating preferences and preferred solar tariff via an online form, for example what time you need your electric vehicle ready in the morning and how much energy you would like to add to your vehicle. We'll take your operating preferences into account first and optimise your energy use around that. If it's not possible to charge your car by the time you specify (for example, because the connector capacity is not sufficient for a full charge or because your preferences are updated on too short notice for a full charge) we'll try to charge as much as possible in the time available.

2.10.7 By signing up to the Power Pack tariff, you agree to:

  • a) Give us permission to integrate and connect with your low carbon technology using your home wifi, in-built sim card, or other method as agreed between us.
  • b) Give us permission to influence the times of operation of your low carbon technology. We will always strive to operate these assets in line with the preferences you have specified in our app, but this service cannot be guaranteed.
  • c) Us collecting data about your low carbon technology, including but not limited to model, power consumption, operating preferences, any actions you take to operate these assets and how these assets perform. We will use this information to optimise your asset operations, send operating instructions to your low carbon technology, and generate bills.
  • d) Give us exclusive rights to control your low carbon technology for the purposes of providing Demand Response Services (including but limited to the Demand Flexibility Service, Constraint Management Services and Balancing Mechanism & Capacity Market) while you remain on this tariff. By agreeing to these terms you authorise Octopus to enter Demand Response Services contracts (up to five years in advance) with your low carbon technology and share relevant data with the relevant Market Operator, including but not limited to your half-hourly consumption data, address and Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) where necessary
  • e) give Octopus the exclusive right to control your low carbon technology to deliver on Demand Response Services when required by such service contracts.
  • f) Not enter your household or any other low carbon technology you own into a third party’s scheme that enters you into a Demand Response Service (including but limited to the Demand Flexibility Service, Distribution Constraint Management Services and Balancing Mechanism & Capacity Market) while you remain on this tariff. If we become aware that you have joined another third party’s scheme, we have the right to remove you from Power Pack.

2.10.8 We do not guarantee that this tariff will be compatible with your low carbon technology or that your technology will operate in accordance with your preferences. We accept no liability for wear of your low carbon technology, scheduling failure or other electric faults - our liability to you is set out in our General T&Cs.

These terms apply to the Aira Zero tariff - Last updated on 13 January 2025 (Version 1.3)

2.11.1 Aira Zero is a Variable Rate Tariff, with your daily standing charge, quoted day rate per kWh, three lower price per kWh “boost periods” (from 04:00 - 07:00, 13:00 - 16:00 and 22:00-00:00), and a “peak period” rate per kWh (from 16:00 - 19:00).

2.11.2 Aira Zero is compatible with our "Octopus Outgoing Smart Export Guarantee", "Octopus Outgoing", "Agile Octopus Outgoing", "Aira Solar Export Easy", "Aira Solar Export Flow" export tariffs only and no other Octopus export tariffs.

2.11.3 To be eligible for the Aira Zero tariff, you must have an Aira heat pump installed and operational at the property which we supply. Compatible Aira systems are determined at Octopus' sole discretion. If you sign up to our Aira Zero tariff but do not meet this eligibility criteria, we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more appropriate for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms that apply to the alternative tariff.

These terms apply to the Octopus Zero Bills (5 years) tariff - Last updated on 08 October 2024 (Version 1.2)

2.12.1 The Octopus Zero Bills (5 years) tariff is a 60 month fixed tariff that covers both your electricity import and export. It will be provided for a period of 5 years, assuming you continue to meet the eligibility criteria throughout this time.

2.12.2 To be eligible for this tariff you must: Live in an Octopus Zero Bills approved home, with an Octopus Energy-approved heat pump, solar PV and battery system that remain operational, turned on, and well maintained throughout the term of your tariff (including periodic solar panel cleaning); Leave the settings on your PV inverter and home battery unchanged from how we remotely program this for you; Have a continuous internet connection via WiFi, to which the solar PV inverter, home battery, heat pump and EV charger remain connected; Have a working Smart Meter, that is active and registered with Octopus Energy, for both electricity import and export; Not have a gas meter, or if you do have one, agree to remove it; and Have an Octopus Home Mini installed.

2.12.3 If you sign up to our Octopus Zero Bills (5 years) tariff but do not meet these eligibility criteria, or if at any time during the term of the tariff one or more of the eligibility criteria cease to apply, we may move you to an alternative tariff that we consider is more suitable for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms of the alternative tariff.

2.12.4 We rely on the information provided to us by your developer or house builder. If, at any point, we discover that this information is inaccurate or incomplete, and changes the property’s eligibility for this tariff, we will not be responsible for any resulting losses you may incur.

2.12.5 You cannot be on any other export tariff whilst on the Octopus Zero Bills (5 years) tariff.

2.12.6 Your energy use will be charged as follows: a) There will be no standing charge. b) You will receive a maximum of 10 MWh of electricity consumption over each 12-month period (measured from the start date of the tariff) for free (please note paragraph 2.12.7 below). c) Any electricity you import above the 10 MWh net electricity import level will be charged at the Flexible Octopus tariff rate.

2.12.7 Electric vehicle charging is not included in the 10 MWh net electricity import level and will be charged separately at the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff rate.

2.12.8 Any energy you import above 10 MWh net electricity import level will be calculated and billed to you at the earlier of (i) the end of each 12-month period or (ii) when you leave the Octopus Zero Bills (5 years) tariff.

2.12.9 We reserve the right to remove you from the Octopus Zero Bills (5 years) tariff if you use more than 10 MWh net electricity import per year for two years or more. High usage is likely to be due to the use of high energy intensity electrical products (such as hot tubs, computer servers, sunbeds, or other resistance heaters such as kilns or saunas etc.), or extensions to the property.

2.12.10 You agree to keep the Octopus Zero Bills approved home equipment continuously online and properly maintained according to the manufacturers’ guidelines, using manufacturer-approved engineers.

These terms apply to the Octopus Zero Bills (10 years) tariff - Last updated on 8 October 2024 (Version 1)

2.13.1 The Octopus Zero Bills (10 years) tariff is a 120 month fixed tariff that covers both your electricity import and export. It will be provided for a period of 10 years, assuming you continue to meet the eligibility criteria throughout this time.

2.13.2 To be eligible for this tariff, you must: Live in an Octopus Zero Bills (10 years) approved home, with an Octopus Energy-approved heat pump, solar PV, and battery system that remain operational, turned on, and well-maintained throughout the term of your tariff (including periodic solar panel cleaning); Have a continuous internet connection via WiFi, ensuring that the solar PV inverter, home battery, heat pump, and EV charger remain connected to; Leave the settings on your PV inverter and home battery unchanged from how we remotely program this for you; Have a working Smart Meter that is active and registered with Octopus Energy for both electricity import and export; Not have a gas meter, or if do, agree to remove this; and Have an Octopus Home Mini installed.

2.13.3 If you sign up to our Octopus Zero Bills (10 years) tariff but do not meet these eligibility criteria, or at any time during the term of the tariff one or more of the eligibility criteria cease to apply, we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more appropriate for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the rates and terms that apply to the alternative tariff.

2.13.4 We rely on the information provided to us by your developer or house builder. If, at any point, we discover that this information is inaccurate or incomplete, and changes the property’s eligibility for this tariff, we will not be responsible for any resulting losses you may incur.

2.13.5 You cannot be on any other export tariff whilst on the Octopus Zero Bills (10 years) tariff.

2.13.6 Your energy use will be charged as follows: There will be no standing charge. You will receive a maximum of 4,000 kWh of net electricity import over each 12-month period (measured from the start date of the tariff) for free (please note paragraph 2.13.7 below). Any electricity you import above the 4,000 kWh net electricity import level will be charged at the Flexible Octopus tariff rate.

2.13.7 Electric vehicle charging is not included in the 4,000 kWh net electricity import level and will be charged separately at the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff rate.

2.13.8 Any energy you import above the 4,000 kWh net electricity import will be calculated and billed to you at the earlier of: (i) the end of each 12-month period, or (ii) when you leave the Octopus Zero Bills (10 years) tariff.

2.13.9 We reserve the right to remove you from the Zero Bills (10 years) tariff if you use more than 4,000 kWh net electricity import per year for two years or more. This high usage may be due to the use of high energy intensity electrical products (such as hot tubs, computer servers, sunbeds, or other resistance heaters such as kilns or saunas etc.), or to extensions to the property.

2.13.10 You agree to keep the Octopus Zero Bills approved home equipment continuously online and properly maintained according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, using manufacturer-approved engineers.

These terms apply to the Snug Octopus tariff - Last updated on 13 January 2025 (Version 1.1)

2.14.1 Snug Octopus is a Variable Rate Tariff, with your daily standing charge, a quoted day rate per kWh and a quoted night rate (for six hours, from 00:30 to 06:30 - the “off-peak hours”).

2.14.2 Snug Octopus is compatible with our following export tariffs: “Octopus Outgoing Smart Export Guarantee”, “Outgoing Octopus” and “Agile Outgoing Octopus”.

2.14.3 The Snug Octopus tariff is for customers with electric night storage heaters (“storage heaters”) that are controlled by the auxiliary load control switch (ALCS) in a second generation (SMETS 2) smart meter. Electricity used by the storage heaters according to our Snug Octopus schedule plus any other electricity used in your home during off-peak hours will be charged at the night rate.

2.14.4 If we schedule your storage heaters to charge outside of the off-peak hours, we will apply the night rate for your storage heater charging during that scheduled period and other household usage during that period will be charged in the relevant half hour billing periods at the night rate.

2.14.5 Smart meters sometimes experience a delay in actioning the smart charging schedule. If this delay causes storage heater charging outside of the smart charging schedule and outside of the off-peak window, you will be charged the day rate for any charging that occurs from the delay.

2.14.6 To be eligible for this tariff, you must be the occupier of the property that the energy account relates to, and the energy account must be in your name.

2.14.7 If at any time we determine that you do not have an active authorisation for integration with your supported storage heaters and you have not had such active authorisation for a period of more than 30 days, or there is a material change to your storage heaters setup that is not compatible with Snug Octopus (for example you no longer have storage heaters or no longer having the eligible electricity meter that you used to sign up to Snug Octopus), you will no longer be eligible for this tariff and we will switch you to one of our standard tariffs and you will be billed according to you usage under that tariff. We will notify you of this, and the new rates, at the relevant time.

2.14.8 You must record your operating preferences on the Octopus Energy web page, for example how many hours you want your storage heaters to be charging for. We’ll take your operating preferences into account first and optimise your energy use around that.

2.14.9 If for any reason we are unable to charge your storage heaters according to an optimised schedule (for example, because we lose contact with your smart meter) your storage heaters will charge according to the set schedule you had before you joined Snug Octopus and you will be charged the day rate for any charging that happens outside of the off-peak hours.

2.14.10 Snug Octopus is subject to a fair use policy with a maximum of seven hours of managed charging per 24 hours. Should your charging schedule request more than seven hours per 24 hours, we reserve the right to charge any incremental usage above seven hours at the day rate. It shall be at our discretion as to which period the day rate shall apply to for any excess hours.

2.14.11 By signing up to the Snug Octopus tariff, you agree to: Give us permission to influence the times of operation of your storage heaters and any load on the same ALCS circuit (e.g. immersion heater). We will always strive to operate these assets in line with the preferences you have specified on our web app, but this service cannot be guaranteed. Give us exclusive rights to enter contracts for the provision of Demand Response Services with your storage heaters while you remain on this tariff. By agreeing to these T&Cs terms you authorise Octopus to enter Demand Response Services contracts with your storage heaters and share relevant data with the relevant Market Operator, including but not limited to your half-hourly consumption data, address and Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) where necessary. Give us the exclusive right to control your storage heaters to deliver on Demand Response Services when required by such service contracts. Not to enter any third party schemes in respect of your premises or storage heating devices that enter you into a Demand Response Service while you remain on this tariff. If we become aware that you have joined a third party scheme, we have the right to remove you from the Snug Octopus tariff.

2.14.12 We do not guarantee that this tariff will be compatible with your storage heaters or meter or that your technology will operate in accordance with your preferences. We accept no liability for wear of your storage heaters, scheduling failure or other electric faults. These terms apply in addition to and are supplemental to our General Terms and Conditions. Please refer to these for further details on our liability to you in relation to the provisions of these services.

These terms apply to the Octopus Zero Bills (Upgrade) tariff - Last updated on 27 January 2025 (Version 1.0)

2.15.1 The Octopus Zero Bills (Upgrade) tariff is a 60-month fixed tariff that covers both your electricity import and export. It will be provided for a period of 5 years, assuming you continue to meet the eligibility criteria throughout this time.

2.15.2 To be eligible for this tariff, you must: Live in an Octopus Zero Bills approved home, with an Octopus Energy-approved heat pump, solar PV, and battery system that remain operational, turned on, and well-maintained throughout the term of your tariff (including periodic solar panel cleaning); Have a continuous internet connection via WiFi, ensuring that the solar PV inverter, home battery, heat pump and EV charger remain connected to; Leave the settings on your PV inverter and home battery unchanged from how we remotely program this for you; Have a working Smart Meter, that is active and registered with Octopus Energy, for both electricity import and export; Not have a gas meter, or if you do, agree to remove this; and Have an Octopus Home Mini installed.

2.15.3 If you sign up to our Octopus Zero Bills (Upgrade) tariff but do not meet these eligibility criteria, or at any time during the term of the tariff one or more of the eligibility criteria cease to apply, we can place you on an alternative tariff that we consider is more suitable for your circumstances. We will let you know if we do this and advise you of the alternative tariff’s rates.

2.15.4 We rely on the information provided to us by your installer. If, at any point, we discover that this information is inaccurate or incomplete, and changes the property’s eligibility for this tariff, we will not be responsible for any resulting losses you may incur.

2.15.5 You cannot be on any other export tariff whilst on the Octopus Zero Bills (Upgrade) tariff.

2.15.6 Your energy use will be charged as follows: There will be no standing charge. You will receive a ‘Fair Use Allowance’ – a maximum level of electricity consumption – over each 12-month period (measured from the start date of the tariff) for free. Please note paragraph 2.15.7 below. This ‘Fair Use Allowance’ is specific to your Premises and is based on the electricity consumption measured by your consumption submeter. If data is not received from the submeter, consumption can be estimated from the Premise’s import meter. The ‘Fair Use Allowance’ is approximately 20% above the expected consumption for a home of a similar size. We will communicate your individual Fair Use Allowance to you directly. Any electricity you import above your ‘Fair Use Allowance’ will be charged at the Flexible Octopus tariff rate.

2.15.7 Electric vehicle charging is not included in your Premise’s ‘Fair Use Allowance’ and will be charged separately at the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff rate.

2.15.8 Any energy consumed above your Premise’s ‘Fair Use Allowance’ will be calculated and billed to you at the earlier of (i) the end of each 12-month period, or (ii) when you leave the Octopus Zero Bills (Upgrade) tariff.

2.15.9 We reserve the right to remove you from the Octopus Zero Bills (Upgrade) tariff if you exceed your Premise’s Fair Use Allowance for two years or more. This high usage may be due to the use of high energy intensity electrical products, (such as hot tubs, computer servers, sunbeds, or other resistance heaters such as kilns or saunas, etc.), or extensions to the Premises.

2.15.10 You agree to keep the Octopus Zero Bills approved home equipment continuously online and properly maintained according to the manufacturers’ guidelines, using manufacturer-approved engineers.

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
