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I’m on a smart tariff and my meter’s In-Home Display (IHD) screen isn’t working properly

I’m on a smart tariff and my meter’s In-Home Display (IHD) screen isn’t working properly

We've got more information on our blog if you're having issues with your In-Home Display.

We'd love to be able to show you your smart tariff pricing (whether for Agile, Go, or any other) on your IHD, but the sheer number of requests that would be needed to display the dynamic, complex pricing on the screen makes it incredibly challenging. This is one of the reasons our smart tariffs are in beta, and we're working to smooth out challenges like this all the time.

There’s some good news, though.

We will always give you an In-Home Display when we install a smart meter, but there are better ways to track your energy use if you’re on one of our smart tariffs. You can now access all the same information directly on your smartphone (which saves you from getting up to tinker with a physical screen near your meter!)

There’s a few different options you can try:

Your Octopus online account

First, your Octopus Energy online account shows you upcoming daily Agile Octopus prices, and records your half hourly meter readings, consumption info and more in a handy dashboard – head to ‘Explore my energy usage’ to check it out.

Our site is also optimised to work well on all mobiles, so logging in via your browser is the quickest and easiest way to check on things. You can download your online account in an iOS app, or even pin a shortcut to your homescreen for an app-like experience.

Other great apps

We’re lucky to have an active smart energy community, full of brilliant people who’ve created their own ways for other customers to use to monitor their energy – websites and apps like Octopus Watch, OctoWatchdog, and energy-stats.uk are just the start.

OR, if you want to get your geek on, you could have a go at analysing your data yourself with our open API by heading to our Smart Home Guide.

If your IHD isn’t working at all, and you’re very keen to have it on, there’re a few troubleshooting tips you can try here, and if those don’t help, just get in touch and we’ll take a look.

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