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I have a question about Octopus £50 referrals

I have a question about Octopus £50 referrals

If a friend switches to Octopus Energy using your unique referral link, you’ll both get £50 energy credit. Our Octopus Referrals information page has all the answers you need, but here’s a few quick things to know.

How do I refer a friend?

Just send them your unique referral link. Every Octopus customer has one: it looks something like http://share.octopus.energy/adjective-noun-number. You’ll find yours a little way down the home screen of your online account dashboard.

When will I be paid?

Once the new customer has fully switched over and their first month’s Direct Debit has been successfully taken, we’ll be able to add £50 to both accounts. This will happen automatically within a few weeks. You’ll be able to check whether you’ve received your referral credit via by logging onto your account and viewing your account dashboard - there will be an option to check your balance history, which will show any credit as +£50 from Octopus Energy. It typically takes around four weeks from when your friend joins (although it can take longer if anything delays their switch)

If you’ve still got questions, you can find out everything there is to know about referrals here, in our Octopus referral info page.

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