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How do I refund the credit on my account?

How do I refund the credit on my account?

If you've had a meter reading in the last 14 days and your account is up-to-date, you can refund some or all of your credit by going to your online dashboard

Building up credit during the summer helps to offset the sting of higher winter payments. Without this buffer, you may need to start paying more to cover any debt accrued. You can read more about this on our blog.

We'll let you know if we think you're paying too much or little each month to help keep your account balance on track, but ultimately, you're in control. You can refund as much as you like – just be aware that doing so could increase your monthly payments in the future. 

If you think you're due a refund but don't see an option on your online account, email hello@octopus.energy to speak to the team. 

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