Electric Match: Traceable energy that’s made for your business

Electric Match makes business energy greener, cheaper and more transparent.

We’ll power your business with energy whose source you can trace - down to the precise time and location. When you use that energy, you'll pay less for it.

It's tailored to your business and puts you in control.

Get in touch to see how Electric Match can work for you:

Speak to the Electric Match team
Is my business eligible for Electric Match?

The Electric Match clock logo

Electric Match uses time-matching to transform your energy

We’ll link your business to specific renewable generators. When you use their electricity within 30 minutes of them creating it, you pay less for it.

So, your energy is cheaper - and you can see exactly where it comes from.

An Electric Match chart of energy output increasing

Trace your usage and savings in your bespoke Electric Match dashboard

Your bespoke online dashboard will show you a live forecast of your generators' energy output.

So, you can arrange to use more when they're giving out plenty of green goodness.

When you do, you pay a lower price.

Your team of Electric Match renewable generators

Track and report on your emissions in granular detail

Electric Match provides a much more specific way of tracking and reporting on your business’ scope 2 emissions.

Normally, companies look at these on an annual basis. But Electric Match lets you do this in a much more granular way; down to the half-hour, in fact.

By seeing when and where your electricity sparks into life, you’ll have much greater accuracy and transparency.


The level of guaranteed green energy for your business


The proportion of your energy your chosen sites could produce


The savings you could make on your energy bills

How does Electric Match work?

We create the perfect setup for sourcing your energy. Be it from your own sites, our renewable generators or a combination.

Here’s how we get the green energy to your business’ door:

An Electric Match customer sharing their energy

I want to use my own generation


Here's how Electric Match works for businesses like yours:

  1. You generate energy from your own assets.
  2. We share that energy between your business’ sites. That means sending your power where it needs to be - in real time.
  3. If there’s any electricity leftover, we’ll sell the excess to the grid for you.

    If you need any more, we’ll supply it to you through our normal, great value, green import tariff.
The Electric Match grid icon

I want to use Octopus' generation


Here's how Electric Match works for businesses like yours:

  1. You choose 3 green generators from our list of renewable sources.
  2. We tell you - down to the half-hour - how much energy they’ll produce over the course of each day.
  3. You use that energy, knowing exactly where it comes from.

    If you ever need more electricity than they’re producing, we’ll supply it to you through our normal, great value, green import tariff.

Can I join Electric Match?

Electric Match is for businesses that:

    ✅    Have a half-hourly meter
    ✅    Have a total annual consumption that’s less than 10GWh
    ✅    Can be dynamic with when they use their energy

Speak to the Electric Match team

Do I have to generate my own electricity to join Electric Match?


No, you can join Electric Match if you don't generate your own electricity.

We'll link you with green generators who'll produce renewable energy for you to use.

What will my energy prices be with Electric Match?


Once you've told us you're interested in Electric Match, we'll generate a bespoke quote for your business. We'll also talk to you about finding the ideal Electric Match setup for you.

To make this happen, get in touch with the Electric Match team.

I want to share energy between my sites. Do they need to be near each other?


No, they can be anywhere across Britain. As long as we can supply your import and sell your export, we can share energy between the sites.

Do I have to own my properties for them to be eligible for Electric Match?


No, you don't have to own them. As long as you control the energy arrangements, you’re good to go.

Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
