Nat wins big in our first monthly Arsenal prize draw

Congratulations to Nat Martin on winning our first ever Arsenal prize draw!
Nat won a signed Arsenal shirt, including signatures of the first team squad.
We spoke to Nat to congratulate him on his win (and on the birth of his baby boy, Antony), and to understand what attracted him to the Arsenal energy plan.
Hello Nat. How long have you been an Arsenal fan for?
Well, I grew up in Highbury, so I reckon my whole life. But I don't know when I first became a fan. The first game I remember was the one at Anfield, when we won the league. I remember all the celebrations going on – I think I might've been around seven at the time. I'm a season ticket holder so try and get out to most of the games.
How did you hear about Arsenal's partnership with Octopus Energy?
I read about you in an energy newsletter. Then I googled you and found your energy plan. I've seen quite a lot of your ads at the Emirates, too.
Were you planning to switch energy at the time?
Yes, we'd just moved into a new house and I was waiting until we were settled before I started looking around. I knew I needed to switch – I'd read that you could save around £300 against the "Big Six" – it was just a matter of finding the time to do it.
Do you switch regularly?
I'm quite an active switcher, but probably more because we move around a lot. I wouldn't say I do it every year though.
Were you looking for a green tariff, or was it the Arsenal connection that attracted you?
Arsenal was the main attraction. It's almost like you're supporting the club. But I think it's great that the club uses renewable energy. When you have a child, you see how important it is to go green, and when you see businesses taking the lead it's fantastic.
How did you find the switching process?
It was very easy and straightforward. Just a few simple questions and that was it!
How much did you save?
I think it was about £380 per year, but of course it depends on how much energy we use. I was on a Standard Variable Tariff before, so paying quite a lot more than I should have been.
Want cheaper, greener energy and a chance to win Arsenal prizes? Quote now.
Published on 8th December 2022 by:
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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