Jean and family win April's Arsenal prize draw

Jean won a VIP Stadium Tour and took her family to enjoy an inside look at the Emirates.
We caught up with Jean and her daughter, Beth, to discuss some of their fondest memories of the game.
1. How long have you been an Arsenal fan?
I was a fan through friends before I met my husband. Over 30 years.
My dad left me a wonderful legacy… my love of Arsenal. There are many things in life you can choose, but for me my football team wasn’t one of them. With Dad gone, supporting Arsenal actually makes me feel closer to him and since he’s now in a place where he has a bit of influence, I have already been requesting that the Gods smile kindly on N5!
When my dad passed away and I wrote the tribute for his funeral, I only managed to pen three paragraphs before Dad’s love of Arsenal made an appearance, and, on reading it to the assembled congregation, it was a passage that made me smile through my immense sadness.
Dad’s love affair with Arsenal was everywhere in my childhood and will remain with me forever. From mimicking Morecambe and Wise’s Aaaaaaarsenal catchphrase to having Sports Report blaring from the radio every Saturday afternoon and Match of the Day being essential TV viewing, whatever Arsenal were doing, Dad knew about it and so did the rest of our family as a result.
It was THAT game against Liverpool in 1989 when I realised just how much Arsenal meant to my dad. The agony and ecstasy of that famous night at Anfield had him in raptures long after the final whistle.
Sadly, Dad never took me to Highbury when I was a child, he didn’t think it was the right environment for his youngest daughter and after Dad’s dementia kicked in he began to live in a bygone era – hopefully one where Arsenal were winning everything. That job finally fell to my mum.
Jean (on taking Beth to Highbury for the first time)
It was at Highbury against Blackburn when Alan Shearer was playing. I think it was a draw. That was the season that Blackburn won the league. Beth loved it. My sister said, "You’re not taking her to the football," and I said, "I am, there’s never any problem at Arsenal." I love the police horses when you leave the stadium.
2. What are your favourite Arsenal moments?
There are a few!
1989 – 91st minute goal that snatched the lead title from Liverpool. AFC had to win by 2 goals and they did. It was Perry Groves who set up the second goal (so it was great to meet him when we did the Emirates Stadium tour).
Attending Dennis Bergkamp’s testimonial. We had a pitch side seat and all got Dennis Bergkamp replica shirts.
The PL season when we were the Invincibles – whole season unbeaten – it was amazing.
Thierry Henry’s and Dennis Bergkamp’s goals.
3. How did you hear about the Octopus Energy Arsenal Partnership?
Arsenal send us regular updates and emails and we saw an announcement that Octopus Energy was supplying Emirates Stadium and had a special offer for fans. I looked at it and at the tariff – compared it with Utility Warehouse and it was much cheaper, so I went for it!
a. What do you think about the Partnership?
I think it’s marvellous. Really good service and great that you’re supplying Arsenal.
b. What attracted you to sign up?
The Arsenal connection, green energy, lower tariff, lower standing charge, and a great company to deal with.
4. Were you originally looking to switch energy supplier?
I was sitting on the fence. Sort of. I didn’t know where to start. I wouldn’t have minded switching, but it wasn’t on my priority list. There are so many suppliers out there and I wouldn’t know where to go. I’m keen on green energy – we’ve got to look after the planet for our grandchildren. Octopus made it very easy.
a. If not, what prompted you to do so?
Seeing the Octopus offer through Arsenal.
5. How often do you switch energy supplier?
Not very often – only once or twice in the last 3/5 years. It’s been complicated in the past and maybe that’s what put me off.
6. How did you find the switching process?
Absolutely fine – so easy. Just gave Octopus a meter reading and that was that.
7. Were you looking for a green plan? If so, why?
No, I wasn’t really looking to change, but I am concerned about the environment, so I’m pleased it’s green energy.
8. How much did you save?
Probably about £10 a month.
Published on 8th December 2022 by:
Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!
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