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Why do I need to urgently replace my Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) meter?

Why do I need to urgently replace my Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) meter?

The technology that switches your meter from peak to off-peak price is coming to an end soon. After the Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) ends, your meter’s timings might not work as expected and your heating and hot water supply could be affected. There’s a simple solution: we need to replace your meter with a smart meter.

Here's a message from our CEO and Founder, Greg Jackson, on everything you need to know about the Radio Teleswitch Service switch-off:

What is the Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) and what’s it used for?

The Radio Teleswitch Service helps electricity suppliers switch between peak and off-peak times and controls when your heating and hot water turn on and off.

Do I have RTS equipment in my home or business?

If you use electricity for heating and hot water (using electric storage/panel heaters and/or immersion heaters), and you have tariffs that offer cheaper rates during off-peak periods, you may have RTS equipment in your home or business. Usually, there will be a large black box next to your meter. This is the RTS equipment. 

In this picture, the black box to the right of the meter is the radio teleswitch, which controls the off-peak hours.

If we believe you have an RTS meter, we’ll contact you to book a meter exchange. You can also register your interest in a smart meter installation in your account.

Have you been contacted about a meter replacement but don’t believe you have an RTS meter?

Let us know by dropping us an email at hello@octopus.energy or give us a call at 0808 164 1088.  We may need you to send us a photo of your meter so we can get everything updated correctly.

How does my RTS meter receive updates?

Your RTS meter receives updates through a radio signal which tells the meter when to switch between peak and off-peak electricity rates, allowing it to access different tariff rates based on the time of day.

When will RTS be turned off?

The current planned end date for the RTS service is the 30th June 2025.

Why are you replacing RTS meters with smart ones?

Smart meters can be programmed to switch between peak and off-peak times making them the best technical replacement for your RTS meter. You’ll continue to get cheaper off-peak energy, and if your heating or hot water is switched on and off by your current meter, we’ll set it all up to work seamlessly with your new meter.

What if I don’t replace my RTS meter with a smart meter?

Should you decide not to upgrade your RTS meter before the service ends, your meter’s functionality may be affected. You may find that your heating and hot water are continually left on or off, or the charging-up happens at the wrong time of day. 

Without the service to tell your meter when to switch between peak and off-peak times, we won’t be able to confirm how much electricity you have used during your off-peak hours. This means your electricity costs could be much higher than before.

What do I need to do?

You can register your interest in a smart meter installation in your Octopus account and we will contact you to book your appointment for a date and time that suits you.

Can I get a smart meter if I rent my property?

If the energy bill at your property is in your name, you can decide whether to get a smart meter installed, but we recommend letting your landlord know first. Smart Energy GB has provided an email template and a letter template you can use. 

If the energy bill is in your landlord's name, it's their decision, but you can still ask.

What will happen to my off-peak hours when I have a smart meter installed?

About 80% of our customers’ hours will only differ by 15 minutes or less. For example, if your off-peak hours are 00:15 - 07:15, your off-peak hours will probably change to 00:30 - 07:30. Off-peak hours may differ slightly depending on the area you live in.

Do you have questions about your specific meter setup? Drop us an email at hello@octopus.energy or give us a call at 0808 164 1088 and we’ll be happy to help.

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