Free Odeon tickets - terms & conditions

Free ODEON tickets - Terms and Conditions

  1. Your unique code can only be used once and expires at 23:59 on 31st December 2025.
  2. Voucher code may be exchanged for one ticket with a standard seat to view a standard 2D film showing at ODEON cinemas in the UK and Republic of Ireland as set out in these terms. The voucher code cannot be used at: any ODEON Luxe site or Islington Luxe and Dine. Upgrades are payable for other film formats and seat types.
  3. Online Redemption: You can use your ODEON voucher code to book your ODEON ticket online at, and on the myODEON app. If you book online or on the myODEON app, there will be an online booking fee of £1 per ticket in the UK.
  4. In Cinema Redemption: You can redeem your ODEON voucher code at the ticket kiosk but not at the box office or retail counter.
  5. Not valid for Premier seats, VIP seats, any other premium priced seating, 3D, IMAX, ISENSE or Dolby unless you pay an upgrade fee. Upgrade fees vary per cinema. At ODEON Bournemouth and ODEON Hatfield if there is mixed standard and recliner/super luxury seating in a screen an upgrade fee will be payable for the recliners/super luxury seats. At ODEON Taunton there will be an upgrade fee if you sit in a Luxe recliner screen.
  6. Not valid on ODEON Luxe, ODEON Luxe and Dine or ODEON Event Cinema. Not valid on premieres, special events or screenings or events not open to the public.
  7. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer or discount.
  8. Voucher code is valid on screenings up to and including the day shown only.
  9. Voucher code is for your personal use only.
  10. Voucher code cannot be used to buy gift vouchers, gift cards, food, drink or any other ODEON goods or services.
  11. Tickets are subject to availability, normal age restrictions, and any other relevant standard terms and conditions including ODEON’s general admission terms.
  12. Cinema types can be checked on the ODEON website or myODEON app.
  13. UK Issuer: Odeon Cinemas Limited, 8th Floor, 1 Stephen Street, London, W1T 1AT

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